Tag: Tufts Bikes

Join the 2016 Tufts Century Ride!

The Office of the Provost is pleased to announce that this year’s Tufts Century Ride will take place on Saturday, September 17, 2016! Registration is now open through September 2nd.

The Tufts Century Ride is approximately a 100 mile bike ride open to the entire university community with stops on the Medford/Somerville, Grafton, and Boston campuses (i.e., Tufts Century). For those who prefer a shorter ride, there will also be route options available beginning at approximately 20 miles. In collaboration with the Tufts Cycling Team, the Tufts Century Ride is meant to provide a fun way for community members to connect, and a unique way to see our three campuses.

Register today! For more information contact TuftsCentury@Tufts.edu or visit http://provost.tufts.edu/tufts-century-ride.



Read our blog post on “Biking Resources at Tufts” for some great tips!

Biking Resources at Tufts

Whether you regularly pedal your way to work or are looking to take advantage of the warmer weather and incorporate biking into your routine, your biked miles can help you and your company, office, or school win prizes through Bay State Bike Week. Massachusetts is the only state with its own statewide bike week, and it starts in just over a week! From May 14th to May 22nd, events across Massachusetts will encourage and reward bike ridership and promote bike safety and awareness.

You can sign up as an individual to participate and compete, but you can also join the Tufts team through the MassCommute Bicycle Challenge. Last year Tufts cyclists logged over 900 miles during Bay State Bike Week – can we top that this year?

As you participate (and after!), check out these resources available on the Boston and Medford campuses:

  • Showers and changing rooms at 574 Boston Avenue (Medford)
  • Bike racks across campus (check locations on the Tufts Bike Map)
  • Bike safety tips (also available on the Tufts Bike Map)
  • A new bike repair station outside the Medford Campus Center
  • Tufts Bikes offers a free bike share as well as mechanic hours
  • Hubway bike rental throughout the city, including locations near the Tufts campuses
  • Join NuRide, a program which rewards you for finding more sustainable ways to travel and commute

Know of any bike resources we’ve missed? Tweet them to us — @GreenTufts !

Bike Week at Tufts

Bike Week Poster webAlthough the weather may lead you to believe otherwise, it is now officially spring – and do you know what that means? It’s bike season! To celebrate, we have declared this week to be Bike Week at Tufts!
The Office of Sustainability and Tufts Institute of the Environment (TIE) have teamed up to encourage everyone to get on a bike this spring! Whether you are looking for a bike or need help getting your bike roadworthy again, join us on March 27 (Wednesday) at the Upper Patio of the Campus Center during open block (12-2pm).   We have invited folks from Bikes not BombsBike BoomTUPDfBIKEMassRides, and our very own TuftsBikes to join us (see below).

We are also proud to introduce a Bike Map for the Medford campus to help you avoid the nastiest uphill climbs and improve your biking experience here at Tufts. Whether you bike for fun, to save time, save money, reduce your carbon footprint, or simply exercise, we think you’ll find something here to interest and help you.

Happy Spring! (It’s about time, right?)