Tag: workshop

Jun 13: Citizen Scientist Training Workshop

Mystic River Watershed Association will offer a Citizen Scientist Training Workshop on Wednesday, June 13th, 6-8pm in Somerville. This Workshop allows interested volunteers to learn about water quality monitoring methods and concepts. By completing this workshop, you’ll be prepared to join MyRWA’s Baseline Monitoring Program. The Baseline Monitoring Program requires a monthly commitment between 6am and 8am. No experience is necessary – all are welcome!

Space is limited – you have to register for this event. To register email Beth@MysticRiver.org today!

May 29, Jun 12, Jun 28: Free Urban Cycling Workshops (Cambridge, MA)

Considering biking to work? Free cycling workshops are being offered 6:30-7:30pm, on the following dates:

  • Tuesday May 29, Millers River Apartments, 669 Cambridge St. East Cambridge
  • Tuesday June 12, Andrew Peabody School, 70 Rindge Ave. North Cambridge
  • Thursday June 28, Central Square Library, 45 Pearl St. Cambridgeport

Questions, or want to RSVP? Email John Pelletier at jpelletier@cambridgema.gov

Jan 27: Data Day 2012: Using Data to Drive Community Change

Friday, January 27th, 2012, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Northeastern University, Boston, MA

More data are available today than ever before. In addition, new tools are making it easier to explore trends, craft powerful stories, and spur change. Learn about how to access these sources, apply data to your work, meet colleagues, and more, all for free at Data Day 2012. The goal of Data Day is to help organizations and municipalities expand their capacity to use technology and data in innovative ways to advance their community’s goals. Register online today: http://dataday2012.eventbrite.com/.

Highlights during Data Day 2012 will include:

  • Hands-on workshops on how to access Census 2010 and American Community Survey data
  • The launch of the new version of the MetroBoston DataCommon, with expanded data visualization tools
  • How to use data to create media interest
  • Workshops on WEAVE (Web-based Analysis and Visualization Environment), the web-based open source data visualization software that will power the new DataCommon
  • Sources of local data about your neighborhood
  • And much more!

The day will provide an excellent professional development opportunity for organizations looking to get the most from their existing resources and staff.

If you are interested in presenting a workshop or poster, or have general questions about the conference, please contact Holly St. Clair at (617) 451-2770×2014.

Feb 10-12: C2C Fellows Southeast Workshop (Athens, GA)

C2C Fellows is a national network for undergraduates and recent graduates aspiring to sustainability leadership in politics and business. C2C Fellows engages 300 students each year in intensive, weekend leadership trainings.

Southeast Workshop
February 10th – 12th, 2012
University of Georgia, Athens, GA

The registration fee for the weekend is $30, and includes food and lodging. Students can often apply for funding to their student governments or activity boards. Scholarships are also available.

Deadline for Southeast Workshop at University of Georgia: February 1st

Upon graduation from the workshops, students join the C2C Fellows Network. The network, based at the Bard Center for Environmental Policy, provides C2C Fellows with an ongoing community: updates, web-based events, career counseling, a social network of like-minded leaders, and ongoing “second-stage” educational opportunities. C2C Fellows are also eligible to apply to become C2C Scholars—funded graduate school students in our M.S. in climate science and policy, in Bard’s M.B.A. in Sustainability; or the dual degree program M.S./M.B.A.

C2C stands for Campus to Congress, to Capitol, to City Hall, and also for Campus to Corporation. C2C stands for young people gaining control of their future. C2C Fellows is the power network for young people with the wisdom, ambition, talent, and grace to change the future.

Read about C2C Fellows and leading for a sustainable future in Grist!

$1,000 C2C Follow-On Scholarships
We are pleased to announce that two graduates of our 2011-12 workshops will receive $1,000 scholarships to attend follow-on, multi-day leadership trainings. The first, through Starting Bloc, is focused on how to start a green business. The second, through Wellstone Action, walks you through how to run your own political campaign.

In April 2012, C2C will establish an application process for these two incredible opportunities!