Key events in the history of Kyivan Rus and Ukraine

882Kyivan Rus is founded by the Varingian prince Oleh (Helgi in Old Norse) of Novgorod.
907Rus-Byzantine war results in more profitable trade for Kyivan Rus.
945Olha, the central figure in spreading Christianity within Rus, becomes regent after her husband Igor’s assassination. She achieves sainthood after her death.
972Sviatoslav I, who had expanded Kyivan Rus through numerous military campaigns, is killed during a conflict with Constantinople.
988-989Volodymyr converts to Christianity, leading to the Christianization of Kyivan Rus.
1015Borys (Boris) and Hlib (Gleb), sons of Volodymyr, are killed and become the first saints of Rus born in the area. 
1018Yaroslav the Wise rises to power, beginning the so-called golden age of Rus.
1146Death of Vsevolod Olgovich, considered by some to be the end of the kingdom of Rus.
1204Constantinople is sacked during the Fourth Crusade, negatively impacting the trade routed of Kyivan Rus.
1240The Mongol World Empire’s army sacks Kyiv, marking the definite end of Kyivan Rus.
1430Most of modern-day Ukraine is annexed by the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
1648The Cossack Hetmanate under the leadership of Bohdan Khmelnytsky is established in central Ukraine.
1795End of the Partitions of Poland; the majority of Ukraine is now part of the Russian Empire.
1917-1921Ukrainian War of Independence from the Russian Empire.
1922Ukraine becomes part of the newly-established USSR after the defeat of Ukrainian People’s Republic by the Red Army.
1932-1933The Holodomor, also known as the Terror-Famine or Great Famine, was a man-made famine that took place in Soviet-controlled Ukraine, resulting in the deaths of an estimated seven to ten million Ukrainians.
1986The Chernobyl nuclear disaster took place near Pripyat, a city in northern Ukraine. Over 350,000 civilians were relocated.
1991The referendum for Ukrainian Independence takes place, in which the population of Ukraine overwhelmingly votes to separate from the USSR.
2004-2005Orange Revolution was a nationwide series of protests and strikes that ended with the election of the opposition presidential candidate Viktor Yushchenko after annulment of pro-Russian candidate Viktor Yanukovych’s victory.
2013-2014Revolution of Dignity, also known as Maidan Revolution, followed deadly clashes between civil protesters and state forces and resulted in ousting of pro-Russian president Viktor Yanukovych, who won the 2010 election. 
2014Russia invades eastern Ukraine and annexes Crimea.
2019Volodymyr Zelenskyy is elected president of Ukraine, promising to accelerate the European integration and end war in Donbass.
2022Russia invades Ukraine on February 24 starting with simultaneous missile attacks at major economical and cultural centers of Ukraine.