
We have three main research goals:

  1. To determine what impacts The Great Diseases curriculum has on students’ engagement in science and health literacy.
  2. To investigate how the curriculum impacts student interest in STEM topics, awareness of STEM careers, and confidence in their ability to obtain STEM careers.
  3. To identify the most practical and effective ways to support the implementation of the curriculum.

As research partners we will work together, gathering information about how you and your students use The Great Diseases curriculum and supports. It’s important to emphasize that this is not an evaluation of you, your teaching, or your students. There is no single correct way to use the materials; we strongly believe that the materials should be adapted to fit your diverse teaching and learning environment. However, as a research partner you must teach all elements of one of The Great Diseases curriculum modules if you want compensation for your time.

Thank you very much for your time and energy!

How will I be compensated?

Just-in-time support: Research partners are paired with a scientist who has experience teaching The Great Diseases curriculum. They will be available as needed, to help preparing for lessons and to debrief after the lesson is over.

Financial: Your contribution of both time and expertise is highly valued. After completing the requirements for the study you will be compensated for your efforts.


In order to be paid, you must complete all of the items below

Once you have completed everything, we will give your name to our administrator who will coordinate your $600 payment. 

If you don’t have time to complete everything, we would still love your help! 

We ask that you contact us so we can discuss whether the partnership is an ideal fit for you and your students. To set a time for a call, please email Revati Masilamani.