The Generation Teach AmeriCorps Summer Teaching Fellowship is a great opportunity for students seeking a summer of learning, teaching, and leading! Fellows receive $4,775 and over 350 hours of leadership experience. The fellowship is open to all majors; fellows will select their preferred content area (engineering, law, math, or reading) on the application. Students must be 17 years old to be eligible.
The fellowship includes pre-summer preparation, in-person training, and 24 days of teaching Boston elementary and middle-school students. You will join a loving community of 32 undergraduate and high-school students. 95% of former teaching fellows said they grew as leaders; 97% grew as teachers; 98% developed skills they will use whether or not they become teachers.
The final application deadline is April 15, and you can APPLY here.
You can book a time to learn more about Generation Teach here, learn more through this video. or direct questions to Ive Sanchez at