Editors of the upcoming book For Love or Money: The State of Museum Salaries, are offering the students in the Museum Studies program an opportunity to submit proposals for essays to be included in the book to be published by MuseumsEtc in the fall of 2019.
The museum profession suffers from systemic under-compensation and pay inequality. This book will examine both the causes of this situation and its resulting effect on staff, institutions, and the profession. It will also propose strategies for remedying the problem. It will identify internal and external factors that suppress wages, consider the impact of the present practices and paradigms on the field as a whole, articulate the benefits that fair and equitable compensation would achieve, and develop solutions to address wage inequity with the goal of strengthening our institutions, allowing committed museum staff to advance in careers that are financially and personally rewarding.
Further information and topics covered can be found here.
The closing date for the proposals is 17 December 2018.
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