Executive Director
Ellen Noel Museum of Art Odessa, TX
Opportunity to direct vibrant, growing AAM-accredited art museum in the Southwest, with can-do culture, eager to try new programs for receptive Board, creative staff, diverse audience. (www.noelartmuseum.org). Museum celebrates its 30th anniversary in 2016. Expanding collection of 800+ works of American art from 1850-contemporary; nationally and regionally significant exhibitions. Purpose-built facility, professional approach, energetic, well-trained staff of 12. $1M-annual-budget, $9M endowment. Smithsonian Affiliate. Free admission, excellent educational programs, notable Sculpture & Sensory Garden, lively events round out the program. West Texas Triangle consortium of five AAM-accredited museums provides collaboration opportunities. Board open to candidates who direct a smaller museum or a department, with art background and fundraising experience. OPPORTUNITIES: trying new ideas; planned expansion; mentoring talented staff; participating in Odessa’s cultural masterplan; leaving a legacy. Sunny climate, friendly community in Texas oil country, community leaders who support the arts. Cultural amenities in Odessa/Midland include several other museums, two theatres, new performing arts center, symphony, a university, and a college. Two minor-league sports teams and a major medical center available. Nearly year-round biking, hiking, golf, tennis, swimming, birding. Competitive compensation, benefits. PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITIES: Institutional advancement, including fundraising, marketing; education, outreach, community relations; collections stewardship, exhibition, program planning; operational, strategic planning; governance, financial management. REQUIRED: 4+ years’ experience in museum management; related M.A.; art knowledge, fundraising experience. Full qualifications/job description at: www.museum-search.com. ABOUT THE MUSEUM AND AREA: www.odessacvb.com; http://www.odessaarts.org/; http://odessachamber.com/; http://www.odessa-tx.gov/; http://www.visitmidlandtexas.com/ APPLY: Email cover letter, résumé, salary requirement, names/contact information for 3 references by 8/17/15 to: SearchandRef@museum-search.com. EOE. Nominations welcome. Posted on: 06/29/2015
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