Research About Teaching and Learning
The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) is a systematic engagement with research related to student learning that is published in peer-reviewed journals to advance the knowledge base of peers. In contrast to scholarly teaching, which involves reading about new teaching methodologies, reflecting on teaching practices, attending workshops, or asking for peer feedback, SoTL is the work of inquiry and scholarship about teaching and learning. As a practice, SoTL is grounded in reflection and the exploration of your students learning.
An Introduction to SoTL
SoTL begins with intellectual curiosity, but is grounded in an analysis of relevant evidence. These resources will introduce you to the field and practice of SoTL —
- Scholarly Teaching vs The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL ) (Tufts CELT)
- Key Characteristics of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (a video from Center for Engaged Learning at Elon University and the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL)
Examples of SoTL Studies
Discover a variety of examples of SoTL project designs across disciplines.
- Examples of SoTL Projects – a video from Center for Engaged Learning at Elon University and the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL)
- The Research & Scholarship Digest (Eberly Center, Carnegie Mellon University)
- Database of Teaching Journals (Kennesaw State University)
Example SoTL Publications Include:
- The Journal of the Scholarship of Learning and Teaching
- Teaching & Learning Inquiry
- The International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning
Getting Started on your own scholarship
This resource offers recommendations for integrating SoTL into your own teaching practice
- Doing SoTL (Vanderbilt)
Additional Resources
- An Apology for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning by Jacqueline M. Dewa. Describes the roots of SoTL and explores its similarities and contrasts with the fields of education research, and offers examples of SoTL investigation
- Scholarship Reconsidered: Priorities of the Professoriate by Earnest Boyer. Introduces the idea that one form scholarship can be developed through an approach to teaching.
- Scholarship Assessed: Evaluation of the professorship by Charles Glassick, Mary Taylor Huber and Gene Maeroff. Builds on the ideas of Boyer’s work to characterize scholarly work.
- What Matters in the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning by Donna Qualters & Judith Barr provides advice for conceptualizing a SoTL project.
- The Scholarship of Teaching in Health Sciences Schools by Ruth-Marie Fincher & Janis Work presents an overview of the scholarship of teaching and how it can be assessed.