The Teaching@Tufts website is a resource developed and curated by the Center for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching (CELT) and Educational Technology Services (ETS), with the support of the University Council on Teaching and Faculty Development (UCTFD).
Teaching@Tufts reflects the University’s commitment to providing support for the continuous professional development of each faculty member at each school through an array of resources and programs. Many of the site’s content contributors are teachers as well as chairs of the University Council on Teaching and Faculty Development (UCTFD) who have benefited firsthand from Tufts’ teaching and pedagogical support in our home departments, schools, and online courses. We strive to feature timely resources in response to the challenges and innovations we learn about through our work with Tufts faculty, and through emerging research on learning.
We invite you to access the many resources compiled here, and to be informed and inspired by the creativity, dedication, and enthusiasm of your peers!
Feel free to share your suggestions and content contributions with us at teaching@tufts.edu