Month: March 2015 (Page 1 of 2)

CSA at Tufts

What is Community-Supported Agriculture?

Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a popular way to buy local, seasonal produce from small farmers. The movement began in the 1980s and there are over 13,000 CSAs in North America today. Customers pay a flat fee at the beginning of the season and then pick up a box of freshly harvested fruit and vegetables each week from a central drop-off location (e.g. the Tufts Office of Sustainability, located in the back of Miller Hall).


Why Join a CSA?

  • Upfront payments help farmers in the beginning of the season, when cash flow is most crucial.
  • Ultra-fresh food is more nutritious and tastes better.
  • Contribute to the local economy and know exactly where your food comes from.
  • Make new and exciting recipes with heirloom vegetables you can’t find at the supermarket!
  • Some CSAs include local eggs, herbs, and processed items like cheese or jam.
  • Cut down on food transport mileage.
  • Farms in the Boston area are not expansive monocultures – whether they are certified organic or not, they employ methods that are better for the soil and use fewer herbicides, pesticides, and synthetic fertilizers.


Tufts CSA Options

  • World PEAS is a program of the New Entry Sustainable Farming Project, which supports immigrant, refugee, and beginning farmers in eastern MA. Includes vegetables and fruit!
    • Shares
      Small ($27.25/week, feeds 2)
      Large ($40.75/week, feeds 4-5)
      Egg share ($4.50/week, 1/2 dozen/week)
    • Season Dates
      Summer/Fall share: June 9 – Oct 22
      Fall share ($30/week, feeds 2): Sep 3 – Oct 22
  • Enterprise Farm is a first generation family farm thatgrows certified organic vegetables. The CSA Farm Share allows a member-supported Mobile Market to bring affordable, farm-fresh food directly to underserved neighborhoods in Springfield and Somerville.
    • Shares
      Small ($19.25/week)
      Medium ($24.78/week)
      Large ($32.89/week)
    • Season Dates

Summer/Fall share: June 8 – Nov 7
Fall share: Sep 1 – Nov


For more information…

Please contact Sylvia Lustig of the Tufts Green House (sustainable living on-campus housing) at or visit



Introducing: The Trash Buddy Program

Tufts is joining a rapidly growing number of colleges and universities in adopting a proven new office waste management program for faculty and staff that we’re calling the “trash buddy” initiative. Tufts has a robust recycling program, but with your participation in the “trash buddy” initiative, we can do better!

A trash buddy is a miniature trash can that attaches to the blue paper recycling bin in your individual office or cubicle. The trash buddy replaces your traditional desk-side trash can, and its size represents the typical proportion of office waste that is truly trash. The trash buddy’s small volume and attachment to the recycled paper bin encourage recycling. Comparable programs at other universities and organizations increased recycling rates by up to 55%.

All waste produced at your desk that is not recyclable should be disposed of in the trash buddy, and you should empty the trash buddy into a central waste station when it fills up or whenever you find convenient. Only paper and cardboard  should be placed in the desk-side recycling bin the trash buddy attaches to. Central waste stations are typically found in common or well-traversed spaces in your office or building and include a trash bin, a paper and cardboard recycling bin, and a glass, metal, and plastic recycling bin. Custodians will empty the central waste stations every day and will empty your individual paper recycling bin weekly when your office or cubicle is cleaned.

For details, visit the Facilities Services Trash Buddy web page. Want more information about how to recycle at Tufts? Check out the recycling primer!

Regional EM&V Forum Internship, Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships (Lexington, MA)

Intern Responsibilities May Include:

Research and Analyses

• Track and collect recently completed evaluation studies from the Forum region and update the Forum’s Repository of State & Topical EM&V Studies
• Research state, regional and national evaluation policies and activities and update the Forum’s EM&V Resource Library
• Provide support to the REED Manager to review and conduct QC on data submitted to REED, including analysis of data and cross referencing with savings assumptions from state Technical Reference Manuals (TRMs)

Project Management Assistance

• Proof read documents and reports
• Attend project subcommittee teleconferences/meetings and take notes
• Compile information for project management updates
• Assist with communications to project subcommittees


• Assist with Forum website updates (e.g. monthly calendars, subcommittee membership lists, subcommittee meeting information)
• Complete Forum contact list updates (e.g. distribution lists, tracking worksheets, private website user permissions)

The Intern may take on other tasks, based on needs and the Intern’s interest and ability.


Application Deadline: 4/21/2015
Apply on Jumbo Jobs

Project Manager, Livable Streets Alliance (Cambridge, MA)

LivableStreets seeks a highly motivated and talented Project Manager to provide effective coordination and implementation of the Greenway Links Initiative work plan.

The Greenway Links Initiative advances the vision of a seamless 200-mile ‘emerald network’ of multi-use greenways across the urban core, from the Mystic River to the Neponset River, to create an urban recreational and transportation system that will connect every neighborhood to open space, transit, employment opportunities, and public services, and thereby increase mobility, promote healthy active recreation, improve climate change resiliency, and create a 21st century system that will enhance our city’s competitiveness in the global economy.

Building off of years of groundwork, the Project Manager will launch and implement Phase II of the initiative to turn a vision into reality by advocating for the spectrum of steps needed for actual construction of greenway links for all people to enjoy.


Application Deadline: N/A
Apply Online

2 Year Program for Graduating Seniors, Impact (Denver, CO)

Impact is a full-time, two-year commitment that’s all about winning concrete, lasting change in our country.
Our mission is to create timely, focused citizen action, energy and power – the kind it takes to make an impact on important issues – through campaigns run in targeted cities and states.
We partner with Environment America, the Public Interest Research Groups (PIRGs) and Fair Share – well-established groups with solid track records on the issues.
We currently employ campaign organizers in 25 states, working on national campaigns to reduce global warming pollutionrestore Clean Water Act protections to America’s streams, expand solar power in 12 states from Georgia to Maryland to Texas, end the overuse of antibiotics on factory farms, and empower small donors to counter the influence of big-money interests like Big Ag, Big Oil, and Big Pharma.
We’re expanding our campaign organizer team, so we’re hiring graduating seniors and recent college graduates for two-year commitments beginning in the fall of 2015.


Application Deadline: March 8, 2015
Apply Online

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