Opening my acceptance email to the DIS Copenhagen program was filled with squeals of excitement and happiness. A new city. A new culture. A new experience. I was ready. But what about sustainability efforts abroad? Tufts University does a fantastic job with their sustainability-related works on campus, and for the surrounding community. Here at Tufts we are constantly engaging in initiatives, organizing events, and highlighting content that builds awareness around our sustainability initiatives. Involving myself in sustainable initiatives and opportunities is an important factor for consideration during my semester abroad. I asked myself, How can one study abroad sustainably?
I researched programs and activities in Copenhagen, as well as fun facts about the city. Did you know that Copenhagen aims to be the world’s first carbon neutral city by 2025, and independent from fossil fuels by 2050! In a city that is so environment conscious, I decided to make a list of things I could do, and ways I can get involved, to continue my own efforts away from Tufts:
- Learning how to bike: every time I tried to cycle as a child, I ended up with multiple bruises and cuts. This year, I am going to commit to learning how to bike the right way!
- Using public transport: reducing gas emissions can reduce your carbon footprint. The public transport in and around Denmark is supposed to be really accessible, so it will be a great way for me to get around.
- Take part in sustainability initiatives: I plan to visit offshore windmill parks, heating plants, and urban gardens.
- Reform my food habits: learning how to eat like the locals, incorporate composting into my routine, reduce my meat consumption, and use reusable water bottles are more ways to do my part to reduce my impact while abroad.
In a city that has so much to offer, I want to make the most of this opportunity. I can learn about new sustainability methods to bring back to Tufts and ways to improve my own habits.
If you are looking for study-abroad programs that prioritize sustainability, find a list of program options here!
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