One of the biggest challenges The Journal of Sustainability Education faces in publishing each issue of the JSE is finding peer reviewers. Each issue can require over 30 reviewers to help to ensure the quality of publication in JSE. They work on an open review model that allows you to enter our back-end review system (RATS), view the submission and fill in the very simple review form with your suggestions and comments to the author. Their peer review goals are to:
- Strive for highest possible understanding of the work being reviewed.
- Eloquently express your understanding of the work in a short summary.
- From the basis of your own expertise, reflect thoughtfully on the clarity of the work, its significance, and contribution to the field.
- Provide feedback that will improve the work’s clarity, significance, and contribution to the field.
- Express your feedback in comments directed to the author and/or the larger audience for this work.
The Journal of Sustainability Education is seeking interested and qualified individuals to join the JSE Review Board. Please be sure to let them know your institutional affiliation (if any), something about your qualifications, and what kinds of articles you would be interested in reviewing. Please complete the form below to join The Journal of Sustainability Education team.
Learn more and apply here.
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