GreenRoots, Inc., is a grassroots community-based organization with a 25-year track record of achieving significant environmental justice accomplishments and public health victories in Chelsea, Massachusetts and the Greater Boston region.
GreenRoots is seeking a full-time Youth Programs Organizer (YPO) to support the work of the seven- member Environmental Chelsea Organizers (ECO) Youth Crew, GreenRoots Junior Organizer, GreenRotos Urban Farm Crew and other seasonal youth employees and interns. The ideal candidate must have experience working with youth and community resources serving youth. The YPO will provide support to young people on a year round basis and will serve as a link to mental health, social services, and community resources for the youth. The YPO will empower ECO and their peers to develop and implement their own workplans, youth-led activities and events and other youth-led programming and campaings. The YPO will support the youth in identifying tutoring and mentoring support for academic achievement; and assisting with college application processes.
Application accepted until position is filled.
Learn more and apply here.
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