Month: March 2020 (Page 1 of 5)

Assistant Professor – Critical Cartography, Oregon State University (Corvallis, OR)

The College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences (CEOAS) at Oregon State University invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor in Critical Cartography. They are seeking a collaborative colleague who will develop and maintain a vigorous, externally-funded research program in the critical analysis of spatial data representation. The Assistant Professor will bring a record of scholarship and products in elements that could include critical cartography, geovisualization, interactive web mapping, data visualization, Big Data analytics, participatory mapping, critical theory, and cartographic design and theory.

The successful applicant will be a member of the Geography program in CEOAS and will teach both on-campus and online at all levels in the undergraduate and graduate curriculum, and will advise and mentor undergraduate students, graduate students, and post-doctoral scholars. CEOAS envisions a colleague who can inspire and empower the next generation of scholars to think creatively and critically about the impacts of geospatial data collection, analysis, and representation on the communities and landscapes depicted on a map.

Learn more and apply here.

The Josephine A. Lamprey Zero Waste Atlas Fellowship, Post Landfill Action Network (Philadelphia, PA)

The Zero Waste Atlas Fellowship is a brand new 50-hour program PLAN is launching in 2020 to provide students with the hands-on training and experience to be able to perform a zero waste assessment of their campus. Atlas Fellows will learn how to use the Atlas Campus Programs Checklist to perform the interviews needed to gather data for the campus assessment.

Learn more and apply here.

Sustainability & Diversity Educational Programs Manager, UC Santa Cruz

The Sustainability Office, housed within the division of Business and Administrative Services (BAS) has broad responsibility for coordination of campus-wide sustainability initiatives. This includes strategic planning, monitoring, communication and support of pilot programs and projects, to meet the goals and objectives of the Campus Sustainability Plan in compliance with the system wide University of California Sustainable Practices Policy, state regulations and other commitments.

In addition to operationally-focused sustainability efforts in carbon neutrality, zero waste, water conservation, and more, the Sustainability Office works to advance environmental sustainability and social justice, with a central focus on advancing multiculturally relevant and inclusive approaches to caring for the environment.

The UC Santa Cruz Sustainability Office Sustainability & Diversity Educational Programs Manager position is posted at under job #2009433. 

Sustainability Education and Outreach Coordinator, University of Southern Maine (Portland, ME)

USM is looking for a passionate, hard-working person to join the Office of Sustainability as our Sustainability Education and Outreach Coordinator. The ideal candidate will have knowledge and experience working on environmental sustainability issues such as energy efficiency, renewable energy, alternative transportation, local or organic food, green cleaning, or waste reduction. The position is part student-focused, addressing sustainability projects, and part surplus-focused, addressing the reuse or sale of 30+ tons of University items annually that would otherwise end up in the landfill. Ability to deliver quality communication and outreach material on a variety of platforms is a must, including social media, website, news articles, and Powerpoint presentations.

Learn more and apply here.

Recycling Intern, Tufts Office of Sustainability (Medford, MA)

Are you passionate about zero waste and interested in learning more about the recycling industry? Do you want experience helping to coordinate a large-scale reuse and recycling program like the one at Tufts? Apply to be a Recycling Intern with the Office of Sustainability!

The Tufts Office of Sustainability is hiring a general summer Recycling Intern. This intern will spend about 50% of their time coordinating the Move-In Donations store, through which donation items collected during Move-Out are sold back into the community. In the past, this has diverted up to 11 tons of waste from landfills.

The intern will also help to manage recycling-related programs over the summer, including but not limited to checking on and servicing select specialty recycling streams, facilitating zero waste events, program planning, research projects, and completing community requests for waste bins.

The position will take place from June to August 2020.
Deadline to apply is April 15th.

Learn more and apply here or visit

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