Month: May 2020 (Page 3 of 8)

Mel King Institute Program Fellow, MACDC (Boston MA)

The Mel King Institute for Community Building is a program of MACDC that fosters vibrant and thriving Massachusetts communities by advancing the skills, knowledge and leadership ability of professional practitioners and volunteer leaders in the community development field. We leverage collaborative professional and educational partnerships that increase access, encourage innovation, build capacity in the community development field.  We are looking for a candidate with the desire to serve in a two‐year fellowship experience (Sept. 5, 2020 to Sept. 5, 2022) grounded in the Community Development field. The fellow will coordinate the training curriculum and serve as a liaison to the MKI network of students, practitioners, instructors, and program partners. The Program Fellow’s role will be to lead and staff the day‐to‐day operations of this professional education institute, which includes courses, coalitions, and programs like the MKI Certificate program.

To apply for the MKI two‐year fellowship, please complete a brief application and attach a resume, cover letter and letter of recommendation. $43,000 salary and $2,000 educational stipend upon completion of the fellowship.

Learn more and apply here.

Summer Intern, Student PIRG (Various Locations)

The Student PIRGs Summer Internship program is designed for college students who are looking to increase their experience in political organizing and strategy. This 5 week long program provides interns with opportunities to build their leadership skills, political engagement, and interest in advocacy careers. Interns will work remotely on a variety of different campaigns and take part in weekly tactical workshops to develop their skills. Our approach requires each intern not only to develop expertise in campaign strategy, but also to become skilled in organizing and the political process. As an intern you will work side by side with the professional organizing staff of The Student PIRGs.

Learn more and apply here.

Planning Intern, City of Chicopee (Chicopee MA)

The City of Chicopee’s Planning Department plans to hire two (2) interns to assist the Department with a number of on-going and upcoming projects throughout the remainder of the fiscal year 2020 and throughout fiscal year 2021 (June 1, 2020 – May 31, 2021) pending approval of the Department’s FY ’21 budget request. Selected interns will be expected to work a maximum of 20 hours per week with compensation of $17.50 per hour. Selected interns will report to the Planning Director and will collaborate with and be supported by all Planning Department Staff. Individuals planning to return to an academic program of study during the Fall 2020 or Spring 2021 semesters are encouraged to apply. Planning Staff and any selected individual(s) will develop an appropriate work schedule to accommodate class schedules as needed. This position is paid and part-time, with flexible hours.

Deadline to apply is May 22, 2020.

Please see the attached document for more information.

Communications/Media Intern, Build Repair Grow (Remote)

Build Repair Grow is a new nonprofit program in Massachusetts that
teaches young people hands-on, practical skills in growing food, cooking, repairing bikes, sewing, and basic carpentry while developing increased resiliency, critical thinking, and problem-solving techniques through project-based learning. The elimination of home arts and shop classes from schools has created a gap that Build Repair Grow helps fill.

The core mission of Build Repair Grow is to provide young people with training in practical skills critical for building resiliency, problem-solving, and self-sufficiency while promoting community health. Our programs were developed with a focus on in-person, hands-on learning. However, due to the current COVID-19 crisis, Build Repair Grow is shifting to provide online video tutorials and take-home project kits.

Learn more and apply here.

Real Estate Development Director, Worcester Common Ground Inc (Worcester MA)

WCG is seeking a dynamic individual to lead its real estate development activities and support management of its diverse asset portfolio. The ideal candidate will me a hands-on, fearless, self-motivated individual who will take on most, if not all, of the real estate duties, especially identifying new projects. An ability to successfully negotiate with property owners is essential. A bi-lingual candidate is preferred.

Deadline to apply is June 1st.

Learn more and apply here.

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