During their service, Watershed Stewards Program (WSP) Corpsmembers participate in a wide array of activities, including:
- Regular watershed recovery and protection work which may include:
- Field surveys of spawning grounds, habitat, or wildlife
- Riparian restoration including planting and native species removal
- Data entry and analysis
- Trapping of juvenile or adult fish for counting and measurement
- Computer modeling of natural resource data
- Designing in-stream projects
- Helping to remove fish passage barriers (dams, culverts)
- And much, much more!
- Teaching the Wonders of Watersheds (WOW!) curriculum in K-8 classrooms in underserved communities
- Engaging their service community in watershed outreach and education
- Creating and implementing their own Watershed Awareness Volunteer Events (WAVE) and recruiting community volunteers to complete a restoration project
- Training, networking and professional development opportunities
Learn more and apply here.
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