Day: July 17, 2020 (Page 1 of 2)

Environmental Justice Program Officer, Namati (Washington, D.C.)

We are searching for a dynamic teammate to support a new crew of legal empowerment advocates in Maryland and Washington DC. This is an opportunity to build an approach to environmental justice that could hold promise for the whole country. We have identified extraordinary advocates to form our first U.S. legal empowerment team– people like Fred Tutman, the only black River Keeper in the country, and Rhonda Hamilton, who has led her neighborhood in Buzzards Point to take on pollution and gentrification at the same time. The advocates are learning from each other and deepening their work together.

We’ve just begun: the EJ Program Officer will help build this pilot into something lasting and powerful.

In collaboration with our team, the Officer will support legal empowerment advocates and the communities they’re serving to understand environmental regulation, and to pursue concrete remedies to environmental injustice. The Officer will equip the advocates to engage creatively across the institutional landscape—from departments of environment and public health to zoning boards—especially as federal regulation has weakened.

Climate Science Associate, European Climate Foundation (Remote)

The climate science strategic communications team at ECF is the organization’s bridge between the scientific and climate community, translating pieces of scientific research into impactful communications work, and engaging with complex scientific issues that shape key climate debates. 

The team helps connect the scientific evidence for action on climate change at an international, national and sectoral level, and works with scientists and scientific institutes to showcase their work. 

In this role you will work with the Climate Science Strategic Communications Lead,  supporting the developing media debate around climate science and climate policy. The core of your work will see you researching and monitoring news trends, assisting colleagues in fast-paced work to connect with news cycles, handling editorial calendars, producing newsletters, and working with the Climate Science Lead on identifying story ideas that work for both legacy and digital media. On any given week you could be helping support the launch of key pieces of research, events, or reports. 

Communications Internship, Collaborating for Resilience (CoRe) (Washington D.C. or Remote)

Want to build solutions addressing climate change, biodiversity loss, water scarcity and land degradation? Eager to learn how multi-stakeholder dialogue can transform governance to get at the roots of environmental resource conflict, poverty and vulnerability? This is a part-time, unpaid internship suitable for current graduate students and recent graduates. You will work with a dynamic group of experts spread across diverse geographies. Interns will work at CoRe’s office at the Open Gov Hub in downtown Washington DC, which hosts a range of organizations working on democratic governance, citizen engagement and social justice. Remote appointments will be considered for exceptionally well-qualified candidates. 

Sustainable Energy Policy and Markets Internship, SD Strategies (Berlin, Germany)

SD Strategies is currently seeking a highly motivated individual to pursue a 3-month, full-time internship starting September 1, 2020. The intern will be based at the SD Strategies headquarters in Berlin, Germany.

SD Strategies is a policy and communications consultancy. They focus on issues at the intersection of economic and social development, energy, and the environment. Headquartered in Berlin, Germany, SD Strategies often works as a collaborative work-desk partnering with leading individuals and institutions from all over the world. Their partners and clients are governments, international organizations, civil society actors and representatives of the private sector.

Oyster Aquaculture Water Quality Internship, EPA (Narragansett, RI)

he research participant will have the opportunity to be involved in research investigating the benefits to water quality from oyster aquaculture operations in southern New England. Specifically, this research will focus on understanding the biology of improvements in water clarity through oyster filter feeding, and the human dimensions of these improvements in water quality to provide ecosystem services in selected estuaries in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. The research participant may develop and apply quantitative, and/or qualitative approaches to support enhancing aquaculture operations to achieve stated water quality goals. The research participant will have the opportunity to collaborate with ecologists and economists to produce transferable and scalable social, economic, and ecological values and methods.

With guidance from their mentor, the research participant will have the opportunity to be involved in field experiments and laboratory analyses, developing, managing, and analyzing complex datasets; engaging aquaculturists and other stakeholders, and analyzing and reporting on participatory research efforts; collaborating on scientific writing or presentations; and implementing case study evaluations of aquaculture operations. This is an opportunity to learn about the ecological and social impacts of aquaculture efforts in southern New England and to apply data from multiple disciplines for improving decision making.

Application Deadline: July 31, 2020

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