Author: Eujene Yum (Page 5 of 7)

Lead Research Technician, Boston-Area Climate Experiment (Waltham, MA)

We are seeking applicants for the position of lead research technician at the Boston-Area Climate Experiment (BACE).  This is a full-time position based at the BACE site in Waltham, Massachusetts (approx. 9 miles from Boston).  The successful applicant will..

  • maintain the BACE and conduct and assist with ecological research at the site
  • be responsible for maintaining a well-organized research environment, maintaining and organizing lab records, equipment, and supplies, analyzing experimental data and presenting results, helping to coordinate activities of undergraduate researchers, troubleshooting problems, ensuring that safe research practices are followed in the lab and in the field, and performing other assigned duties
  • work occasional odd hours and weekends as dictated by field or lab work schedules, and will sometimes work outdoors in inclement weather
  • spend about 70% of their working hours outdoors.

To be eligible…

  • Applicants should have an educational background (bachelor¹s or preferably M.S.) that includes coursework in ecology or environmental science.
  • We would be particularly interested in candidates with previous experience as a technician in plant ecology labs, experience working on outdoor experiments that simulate climate change in natural or managed ecosystems, experience working with large datasets, managing student employees, and/or working in old-field ecosystems of the northeastern United States

The position is open immediately (pending paperwork at Purdue), with an immediate start preferred.

The initial appointment will be for a period of six months, with a one-year extension of the position contingent upon satisfactory performance.  Further extensions will depend on performance and future funding.  Salary will be commensurate with experience.  The technician will be employed by Purdue University (an equal access/equal opportunity university), but will be based in the Boston area, with little or no travel to Purdue.

Potential applicants should email Jeff Dukes ( a statement of interest and resume (or CV) with contact information for two or more references, using the subject line ³BACE technician.² Applications will be considered as they are received.

For more information on the experiment, see the BACE website

8th Annual Tufts Environmental Literacy Institute

We are proud to announce that TIE will be hosting the 8th Annual Tufts Environmental Literacy Institute (TELI), a four-day workshop for educators and researchers involved with higher education, from May 19th to 22nd, 2015.  At TELI, participants from a variety of educational institutions will explore methods of incorporating environmental issues into their curricula and research, access resources, develop ideas, and engage with other educators. The theme of this year’s TELI is Climate-Safe Energy Futures: Vision, Implementation, and Education and will be co-led by Charles Heaps from the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) and Antje Danielson, Administrative Director at TIE. 

We seek educators and researchers of varying backgrounds from around the world who are interested in preparing for a climate-safe energy future.  Over the past twenty-four years, more than two hundred faculty have participated in TELI.  As a result, thousands of students have learned to synthesize different disciples and approach complex issues such as climate change and environmental sustainability.  TELI 2015 is also an opportunity to network and collaborate in an interdisciplinary setting with academics on global energy challenges. We highly encourage you to apply regardless of your background on the subject matter because ensuring a climate-safe energy future will require holistic and interdisciplinary solutions.  Topics that will be covered include International Climate Justice, Energy Policy, and Climate Change Modeling.  If you are interested in participating, please apply using this form, which may also be found on our website.

To learn more about this year’s TELI please visit our official site at

We encourage you to share this opportunity with colleagues you may have at other institutions as well.

CSA at Tufts

What is Community-Supported Agriculture?

Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a popular way to buy local, seasonal produce from small farmers. The movement began in the 1980s and there are over 13,000 CSAs in North America today. Customers pay a flat fee at the beginning of the season and then pick up a box of freshly harvested fruit and vegetables each week from a central drop-off location (e.g. the Tufts Office of Sustainability, located in the back of Miller Hall).


Why Join a CSA?

  • Upfront payments help farmers in the beginning of the season, when cash flow is most crucial.
  • Ultra-fresh food is more nutritious and tastes better.
  • Contribute to the local economy and know exactly where your food comes from.
  • Make new and exciting recipes with heirloom vegetables you can’t find at the supermarket!
  • Some CSAs include local eggs, herbs, and processed items like cheese or jam.
  • Cut down on food transport mileage.
  • Farms in the Boston area are not expansive monocultures – whether they are certified organic or not, they employ methods that are better for the soil and use fewer herbicides, pesticides, and synthetic fertilizers.


Tufts CSA Options

  • World PEAS is a program of the New Entry Sustainable Farming Project, which supports immigrant, refugee, and beginning farmers in eastern MA. Includes vegetables and fruit!
    • Shares
      Small ($27.25/week, feeds 2)
      Large ($40.75/week, feeds 4-5)
      Egg share ($4.50/week, 1/2 dozen/week)
    • Season Dates
      Summer/Fall share: June 9 – Oct 22
      Fall share ($30/week, feeds 2): Sep 3 – Oct 22
  • Enterprise Farm is a first generation family farm thatgrows certified organic vegetables. The CSA Farm Share allows a member-supported Mobile Market to bring affordable, farm-fresh food directly to underserved neighborhoods in Springfield and Somerville.
    • Shares
      Small ($19.25/week)
      Medium ($24.78/week)
      Large ($32.89/week)
    • Season Dates

Summer/Fall share: June 8 – Nov 7
Fall share: Sep 1 – Nov


For more information…

Please contact Sylvia Lustig of the Tufts Green House (sustainable living on-campus housing) at or visit



2 Year Program for Graduating Seniors, Impact (Denver, CO)

Impact is a full-time, two-year commitment that’s all about winning concrete, lasting change in our country.
Our mission is to create timely, focused citizen action, energy and power – the kind it takes to make an impact on important issues – through campaigns run in targeted cities and states.
We partner with Environment America, the Public Interest Research Groups (PIRGs) and Fair Share – well-established groups with solid track records on the issues.
We currently employ campaign organizers in 25 states, working on national campaigns to reduce global warming pollutionrestore Clean Water Act protections to America’s streams, expand solar power in 12 states from Georgia to Maryland to Texas, end the overuse of antibiotics on factory farms, and empower small donors to counter the influence of big-money interests like Big Ag, Big Oil, and Big Pharma.
We’re expanding our campaign organizer team, so we’re hiring graduating seniors and recent college graduates for two-year commitments beginning in the fall of 2015.


Application Deadline: March 8, 2015
Apply Online

Solar Campaign Internships (Boston, MA)

Solar Campaign Internships
Environment Massachusetts is building a clean and renewable future powered by the sun.

We could meet all of America’s energy needs by capturing just a sliver of the virtually limitless and pollution-free energy of the sun. And we’re making a lot of progress: in Massachusetts, solar energy has grown more than 100-fold since 2008.

But we’re still getting most of our electricity from dirty sources like coal and gas, and powerful fossil fuel companies threaten to stop solar in its tracks. This spring, we’re building support for a goal of 20% solar in Massachusetts by 2025. In order to persuade our governor to go big on solar energy, we’ll mobilize public support and build a powerful coalition of businesses and elected officials.

We’re also working this spring to restore Clean Water Act protections to thousands of miles of streams in Massachusetts and cut global warming pollution from America’s power plants.

What do interns with Environment Massachusetts do? You’ll educate and engage more people on the most critical environmental issues of our time. You’ll get our issues into the media, build coalitions, organize events and lobby decision-makers. Ultimately, you’ll help us build the public support it takes to win.

Becoming a solar campaign intern

If you agree that it’s time for Massachusetts to go solar, the best way to get involved is to apply to be an Environment Massachusetts intern today. We’re looking for students who care deeply about the environment and are ready to make a difference now.

As an intern:

  • You’ll push for smart solutions to environmental problems, and build the public support it takes to win.
  • You’ll work side-by-side with one of our organizers, learning the ropes.
  • And you’ll make a real difference on critical issues, while developing valuable skills and experience in one of the nation’s leading environmental nonprofits.
We’re hiring interns for the spring semester and for the summer. The sooner you apply, the better! And if you’re thinking you might want to make a career out of solving our greatest environmental problems, interning with Environment Massachusetts is one of the best ways to get started.Apply today! Visit to submit your application.

Questions? Contact Ben Hellerstein: ben[at], 617-747-4368.

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