Category: education (Page 9 of 11)

Call for Proposals, Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) (Milwaukee, WI)

The Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) will be holding their annual conference on October 4 – 7 in Milwaukee, WI. This is the largest stage in North America to exchange effective models, policies, research, collaborations and transformative actions that advance sustainability in higher education and surrounding communities. Join AASHE’s conference by submitting a proposal and share your knowledge, achievements and ideas for a poster or a networking meeting.

Learn more and apply here.

Academic Internship Program, Gustolab International (Italy, Multiple Locations)

Gustolab International Academic Internship Program

DURATION: 4 weeks, Summer (Longer periods available for Spring and Fall Semesters)
WHEN: June 20 – July 20, 2020 
WHERE: Italy, Multiple locations available. Gustolab internships are customized according to the needs and interests of students.  Interns will also participate in a research symposium and carry out a research project. Language instruction is provided.  No prior study of Italian is required, but in that students spend most of their time at the intern site, most interns acquire basic Italian skills.

Learn more and apply here.

Study Abroad Program, Gustolab International (Rome, Italy)

Gustolab International is accepting applications for their summer programs and academic internship program in Italy. Students from all disciplines and universities are welcome to apply!

Critical Studies on Food in Italy – Food Systems and Sustainability

DURATION: SUMMER 4-week Full Immersion Program
WHEN: Monday, May 25 – Saturday, June 20, 2020. 

Students may choose from a range of courses including:

  • Critical Studies on Food 
  • Food Media, Communication and Trends 
  • Food, Nutrition and Culture in Italy
  • Food Waste in Italy 
  • Italian Language for Food and Business (Italian Lexicon for Food Studies)
  • Elementary Italian Language
  • Intensive Elementary Italian Language

Learn more and apply here.

Graduate Position, Inclusive Sustainability Education, University of South Dakota (Vermillion, SD)

Sustainability is improving human and environmental wellbeing both now and into the future.  Sustainability as an academic field of study is relatively new and methods for teaching transformative sustainability are still being developed.  Just as the definition of sustainability includes improving human wellbeing, the way that we educate for sustainability should be grounded in inclusivity.  The University of South Dakota’s Department of Sustainability+Environment is seeking a graduate student to conduct research that evaluates best practices for inclusivity in sustainability education.

The Department is looking for a student to start in Fall 2020 (a start date in the summer is also possible) in the sustainability graduate program.  The research will be in collaboration with USD’s Inclusive Science Initiative.  They encourage students with diverse backgrounds and experiences to apply.  Two years of funding at $20,000/year are secured.

Have any questions? Email ( with questions or with a statement of research interests and experience.

Urban Environmental Education Master’s program, Antioch University Seattle (Seattle, WA)

Antioch University Seattle is actively recruiting students for the 2020-21 academic year.

The dynamic intersection of environmental leadership and social justice drives the academic and the immersion in community practices of the MA in Education with Urban Environmental Education (UEE) program. Antioch University is looking for the new generation of educators and leaders who want to cultivate sustainable communities and are needed to help create livable, resilient and sustainable urban environments to ensure human and environmental well-being.  Members of the UEE community, like yourself, will be responsible for pioneering change, leading progress, and instilling plans for a better future. 

Learn more and apply here.

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