What is Community-Supported Agriculture?
Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a popular way to buy local, seasonal produce from small farmers. The movement began in the 1980s and there are over 13,000 CSAs in North America today. Customers pay a flat fee at the beginning of the season and then pick up a box of freshly harvested fruit and vegetables each week from a central drop-off location (e.g. the Tufts Office of Sustainability, located in the back of Miller Hall).
Why Join a CSA?
- Upfront payments help farmers in the beginning of the season, when cash flow is most crucial.
- Ultra-fresh food is more nutritious and tastes better.
- Contribute to the local economy and know exactly where your food comes from.
- Make new and exciting recipes with heirloom vegetables you can’t find at the supermarket!
- Some CSAs include local eggs, herbs, and processed items like cheese or jam.
- Cut down on food transport mileage.
- Farms in the Boston area are not expansive monocultures – whether they are certified organic or not, they employ methods that are better for the soil and use fewer herbicides, pesticides, and synthetic fertilizers.
Tufts CSA Options
- World PEAS is a program of the New Entry Sustainable Farming Project, which supports immigrant, refugee, and beginning farmers in eastern MA. Includes vegetables and fruit! http://www.ctiworldpeascsa.org/Default.asp
- Shares
Small ($27.25/week, feeds 2)
Large ($40.75/week, feeds 4-5)
Egg share ($4.50/week, 1/2 dozen/week) - Season Dates
Summer/Fall share: June 9 – Oct 22
Fall share ($30/week, feeds 2): Sep 3 – Oct 22
- Shares
- Enterprise Farm is a first generation family farm thatgrows certified organic vegetables. The CSA Farm Share allows a member-supported Mobile Market to bring affordable, farm-fresh food directly to underserved neighborhoods in Springfield and Somerville. http://enterprisefarmcsa.com/
- Shares
Small ($19.25/week)
Medium ($24.78/week)
Large ($32.89/week) - Season Dates
- Shares
Summer/Fall share: June 8 – Nov 7
Fall share: Sep 1 – Nov
For more information…
Please contact Sylvia Lustig of the Tufts Green House (sustainable living on-campus housing) at Sylvia.Lustig@tufts.edu or visit http://sustainability.tufts.edu/get-involved/community-supported-agriculture/
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