Hello everyone! As promised, here is more information about the events we mentioned in our last post and in our welcome back email.
For current members, be sure to fill out this google doc if you plan on attending the WAZE Symposium next Saturday (September 13th). This will allow us to travel as a group to the event and determine if we will travel by car or by train. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RHYxjJCXby5WRFuTyJqiBofhXwqTF4nk50WJZW2LGgU/edit#gid=0
Also, please consider volunteering at Somerville Dog Fest 2014 on Sunday, September 14. Volunteers are needed all day from 6 am to 5 pm, and it’s for a good cause, plus you’ll get to see plenty of adorable dogs! Fill out this google doc if you want to volunteer: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mD874vdWYPZYGeKu1DF9BCJSlgiQ7m1Tpy-lOTs6ERA/edit#gid=0
Also, mark your calendars for the Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine Open House on Sunday, September 21st! We are taking a bus to the campus again this year, so stay tuned for more information!
For new members or interested students, check out our table at the Student Organizations Fair this Monday, and come to our GIM on Thursday, September 11 at 9 pm in the Campus Center, room 220! You’ll be able to meet some of the E-board and learn more about what the Pre-Vet Society does. Hope to see you there!