Research and AxiUm

Need to review AxiUm for research purposes? Follow the below steps as it pertains to the phase of your project!

  • General sample size calculation and protocol development/study design:
    • If you are in the early stages of drafting your study plan (or a grant submission), and want some general facts and figures from AxiUm such as, “How many patients under 18 were treated in the emergency clinic between 2016-2024?”, please follow these steps:
      • Complete this form to the best of your ability
      • Email that form, and an overview of your request to with the subject line: “Dental Research Request”
      • Make sure you copy your statistician on this request and/or Dr. Shruti Jain!
      • If in a few days, you have not received a response from IT, please loop in Tanya Martin for escalation.
  • If your statistician informs you that a more thorough AxiUm examination is needed in order to do a sample size calculation, please contact Ann-Marie Jacobson so she can submit the quick request to the Tufts IRB called “Review Preparatory to Research”.
    • Once that approval is in place, follow the steps in #1 to get the needed AxiUm access
  • After your study has IRB approval, and you are ready to collect the needed data from AxiUm, please follow these steps:
    • Complete this form to the best of your ability
    • Email that form, and an overview of your request to with the subject line: “Dental Research Request”
      • Make sure you also attach your IRB-approved protocol and IRB-approval letter
      • You may also CC Ann-Marie Jacobson on this request in case IT has any regulatory questions
      • If in a few days, you have not received a response from IT, please loop in Tanya Martin for escalation.