Digital Humanities Undergraduate Minor

Tufts DH continues to innovate with its brand new digital humanities minor! See below for details:

Minor requirements

  • The four required digital humanities courses (or equivalent):
    • DH 101: Introduction to Digital Humanities – introduces students to the history and motivation underlying the Digital Humanities and walks them through the basic Python skills needed to succeed in the field.
    • DH 110: Geospatial Humanities – presents the tools and approaches used to work with geospatial data in the humanities, including data collection and cleaning, advanced analysis, and cartography.
    • DH 120: Quantitative Text Analysis – examines the statistical methods used in corpus linguistics, while providing students with a comprehensive overview of probability, statistics and R in the context of textual analysis.
    • DH 130: Natural Language Processing and the Human Record – builds on the skills of the previous courses to give students a seminar level course focusing on advanced language modeling methods in which they will develop their Python skills through a course project.
  • Two additional elective courses (a suggested list coming soon)

What to expect from the minor

The minor is designed to give students a background in many common digital humanities methods, including geospatial analysis, distant reading and language modeling. Students will also show advanced skills in a certain method and subject area of their choosing through course projects, especially in DH 130.

Students can expect to gain a proficiency in both the R and Python programming languages and will get hands-on experience with data analysis and the critical thinking skills needed to pursue this analysis in a thoughtful and ethical manner.

Please visit our Contact Us page for any specific questions.

Master of Arts in Digital Tools for Premodern Studies:

The central intellectual focus of this program is the study of the creation, transmission, preservation, and transformation of knowledge across time and culture, from Classical Antiquity through premodern times. The program puts a heavy focus on digital techniques in order to facilitate the study of such a broad field. Students will thus acquire a deeper knowledge of the humanities while learning and practicing computing skills in a hands-on research environment. Graduates will be well prepared to pursue Ph.D. programs and academic careers or careers in publishing, media, and technology. More details about the Digital Humanities Master’s program

Music Engineering Minor

The Music Engineering minor program includes courses in music theory and composition, music technology, acoustic and electronic instrument design, music recording and production, analog and digital electronics, computer programming, fluid mechanics, acoustics, vibration, automation, materials engineering, and sound sculpture. More details about the minor in Music Engineering

Questions? Contact Paul Lehrman (Music), or Chris Rogers (Mechanical Engineering)