Text Analysis

Network relation visualization of viral texts
Interested in learning how to look for patterns in hundreds, thousands, or millions of texts? This page includes sample projects, tutorials, and datasets to get you started. Learn more about text analysis

DH Sound Studies

Technical drawing of a phonograph

Want to learn how to manipulate audio files? Visualize poetry performances? This page lists sample projects, tutorials, and datasets to get you started. Learn more about sound studies in digital humanities

Geospatial Humanities

Map of slavery in US according to 1790 US Census

Do you want to make a map of where characters travel in a text? Track immigration patterns? This page includes links to sample projects, tutorials, and tools to get you started. Learn more geospatial studies in humanities


Network visualization of thematic connections in art at the Smithsonian

Interested in making network visualizations of composers? Interactive graphs of word usage over time? This page includes links to sample projects, tutorials, and tools to get you started. Learn more about network visualizations


Screenshot of a digital archaeological archive

Do you want to know how to create a digital museum exhibit? To preserve and display visual artifacts or texts? This page includes links to sample projects, tutorials, and tools to get you started. Learn more about digital archives and editions