Teacher Leader Fellowship Abroad [Japan]

While October 2025 may seem far off, now is the ideal time to plan for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to explore Japan’s educational system.

The Japanese Educational System Experience is excited to offer a specially curated program for preK-12 teachers, administrators, education board members, policymakers, and faculty from schools of education:

Program Details: The Teacher Leader Fellowship Abroad in Japan – The Japanese Educational System Experience
Dates: October 10-22, 2025
Program Details and Payment Schedule: http://www.aramfo.org/japan/2025/2025-discover-japanese-education-system 

Join them on an immersive journey into Japan’s education system, known for its high academic standards, discipline, and integration of cultural values. Through school visits, discussions with experts, and engaging workshops, you’ll gain insight into student-centered learning, moral education, and Japan’s unique approach to teaching and community.

Funding Information: This program can be self-funded or may qualify for institutional support. Many schools and universities provide funding for professional development.

If you have questions or would like further details, please don’t hesitate to reach out: bettys@aramfo.org | sternbergb@sacredheart.edu