Preliminary Literature Review


Wednesday, September 27st, 2017 @ 9:30am on TRUNK


group number_last name_last name_last name_last name_PreliminaryLiterature

.doc or .docx are acceptable

e.g. 22_Fanous_Ngo_Smith_John_PreliminaryLiterature.doc


This is a group assignment, please submit one assignment for the team with all the members names included. For group submission, any student in the group is free to submit the assignment but it is ultimately the responsibility of the Project Manager/Editor to ensure each assignment is submitted on time.

Science communications demands that the author(s) knows the facts. Too often, people are selective and use the information that support their hypothesis.

Due to the subjective angle given by opinions and anecdotes, as well as the more limited science described above, reviews, newspapers, and new pieces should not be your only source. It is your job as investigative storytellers to present information that is informed not just by the information presented by others, but to search deeper and gain a nuanced and solid scientific understanding of your specific topic.

The Research Guide explains in more detail the types of scientific literature and how to evaluate and find appropriate sources.


Following the Conservation Biology citation style, submit an annotated bibliography for the peer-reviewed articles that will serve as the science foundation for your project. We expect at least 1 peer-reviewed article from the primary literature and 1 peer-reviewed article from the secondary literature, per each group member.

By the Final Bibliography, we expect twice that amount. It is your group’s choice whether to do this additional work now or later. 

For each article, answer the following prompts:

  1. Article’s Citation
  2. Annotation: a brief description and evaluation of the article. What is the main finding? How is it relevant? What is its quality? (100 words max)
  3. Purpose: a brief description of why this article was selected. What purpose does it serve to your project’s message? How will it be incorporated into your project? (100 words max)

Compile all of the annotated bibliographies into one document using the following template:

Primary Literature

alphabetical by author’s last name

Secondary Literature

alphabetical by author’s last name