Wednesday, November 15th, 2017 @ 9:30am on MediaSpace
Preferably, it is an MP4, and all files must be under 1 GB.
MediaSpace is an online video annotation tool built and provided by Tufts TTS. Anyone with a current Tufts Username and Tufts Password can use the tool to upload video files, share them with others, and allow them to provide comments and feedback at particular timestamps within the video. For your purposes, you will be uploading the first draft, the rough cut, of your digital story to allow your reviewers to provide you with feedback for your final submission.
One person from each group, typically the Technical Expert, should be designated to upload their group’s video.
Submission of your video is a TWO PART process, you must upload the video AND provide administrator access to the instructors. Failure to do so will result in a 5 point penalty on your final project grade.
To Submit Your “Rough Cut” Digital Story Video:
- Go to: https://mediaspace.tufts.edu/media/t/1_4hgc5fbx
- Click on the “Not Logged In” button and choose “Log In.” Use your Tufts Username and Password to access the site.
- Go to All Channels ( on the left) and look for the Bio 07 Digital Storytelling Channel.
- Click on the “Add New” button and select “Media Upload.”
- Click on the blue button labelled “Choose a file to upload” and then use the pop-up window to navigate to the file on your computer.
- Fill in the “Title” field using this format: EnvBio_2017_Project#: Project Iitle (e.g. EnvBio_2017_Project3: Notable Women in Science). It is essential that you use this format!
- Use the “Description” field to list the first and last names of your group members.
- Finally, click on the green “Submit” button.
- Your video file will now be uploaded to the Bio 07 channel server.