Video Treatment Plan


Wednesday, October 4th, 2017 @ 9:30am on TRUNK


group number_last name_last name_last name_last name_VideoTreatmentPlan

.doc or .docx are acceptable

ex. “22_Fanous_Ngo_Smith_John_VideoTreatmentPlan.docx”


This is a group assignment, please submit one assignment for the team, with all team member names included. For group submissions, any student in the group is free to submit the assignment but it is ultimately the responsibility of the Project Manager/Editor to ensure each assignment is submitted on time.

The group will decide upon the purpose and audience of their project. The group will then research and write an explanation for achieving this purpose and reaching this audience. This requires determining how to pace the narration, which images and sounds to choose, and how production effects may be used.

It may be helpful to think of this assignment as your group’s game plan, or your group’s proposal to your instructors. For more assistance, you can check out Guiding Questions for Video Treatment Plans from the DDS.


Answer the prompts below in a few paragraphs. Be sure to reference your sources if you have any. (700 words max, total)

Purpose and Perspective:

  1. What is the thesis and direction of your project? Does it fit into any of these broad classifications*? If not, what would you categorize it as? Explain.
  2. How will each group’s role effectively create this purpose and perspective?
  3. How will you incorporate the science of the topic into this perspective?


Impartial Evaluation of Claims – evaluation of a claim, including evidence for or against a statement; can use evidence to come to a scientifically-supported conclusion (e.g. overwhelming evidence supporting climate change) or leaves it more open-ended (e.g. pros and cons of nuclear power)

Persuasive – clear distinction between scientific evidence and the interpretation of this evidence to support a persuasive argument

Advocacy – persuasion on behalf of a group of people, animals, region, etc

Natural History – outlining the science behind a natural phenomenon

Human Perspectives – environmental issues and how humans affect and are affected by these issues


  1. What specific group of people do you aim to reach (e.g. policy-makers, K-12 students, consumers, conservation groups)? What age group? What level of education?
  2. If this were to be used in some capacity (e.g. education, public service announcements), in what setting would you intend to see it?
  3. What are appropriate terms, pictures, and language to reach this audience?
  4. How complexly and creatively will you deliver your message?