Wednesday, October 18th, 2017 @ 9:30am on TRUNK
group number_last name__last name_last name_last name_PreliminaryBibliography
.doc or .docx are acceptable
Ex. “22_Fanous_Ngo_Smith_John_PreliminaryBibliography.docx”
This is a group assignment, please submit one assignment for the team, with all team member names included. For group submissions, any student in the group is free to submit the assignment but it is ultimately the responsibility of the Project Manager/Editor to ensure each assignment is submitted on time.
Beyond the research, it is also important to give proper attribution to content creators for all of the images, audio, and video that you incorporate into your project. Too often, content is posted and re-posted on the web without acknowledging the original creators. Additionally, the content may also be under copyright and limited use agreements.
This assignment is preliminary in the sense that it includes the resources your group is using to date in the storyboard, acknowledging that there may be further additions (articles, images, etc) in the final digital story. This is also the chance to be challenged with properly attributing all creative content.
Following the Conservation Biology citation style, submit a bibliography of all resources used to date. In one document, organize all of your citations in alphabetical order under the following subheadings:
- Research
- Primary Literature
- Secondary Literature
- Images
- Audio
- Video