A major research focus is on Sustainable Development Diplomacy, which aims to solve problems through innovative technologies, policies and practices that provide required services by less environmentally damaging means, and implementation of restorative development actions to restore lost ecosystem functions. Included below are the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Reports on which Dr. Moomaw served as a lead author.
Scientist Diplomats or Diplomat Scientists: Who Makes Science Diplomacy Effective?, William R. Moomaw, Global Policy, April 6, 2018
Science Diplomacy: Hard-Won Lessons, William R. Moomaw, Science & Diplomacy, October 6, 2017
Climate Change, Imperialism, and Democracy, Liz Stanton, Triple Crisis Blog, June 28, 2017

What kind of Arctic do we need?
Dr. William Moomaw spoke in the session “What kind of Arctic do we need?” organized by the Woods Hole Research Center at the 2016 Arctic Circle Assembly in Iceland in October 2016.
How Restorative Development Can Address Climate Change [Video interview]On September 13, 2016, the Forum Network, a public media service of WGBH, interviewed Dr. William Moomaw on the link between industrial agriculture, especially synthetic fertilizers, and unprecedented damage to our soil, water, and atmosphere. He argues that the only viable option for recovering the health of these systems is restorative development.
Sustainable Development Diplomacy: Diagnostics for the Negotiation and Implementation of Sustainable Development, William R. Moomaw, Rishikesh Ram Bhandary, Laura Kuhl, Patrick Verkooijen, Global Policy, July 26, 2016