Nathan Abbott
Impact of Green Line Extension
Josh Berkowitz
An Environmental Equity Analysis
Holly Elwell
Prioritizing Land for Conservation
Abey Hardy
Siting Walking Trails
Ilya Josefson
Carbon Dioxide Gas Emissions
Dan Latham and Katie Resnick
GIS and Stormwater Management
Rachel Meredith Warren
Expiring Use Properties
Jason Nelson
Neighborhood Walkability
Dana Panzer
Wind Turbine Siting
Ana Rosner
Stormwater Treatment Projects
Meghan Walter
Mapping Precipitation
Nella Young
Green Retrofits for Rooftops
ChiaHui Shen
Developing a Societal Vulnerability Map of San Francisco Area
Sam Anderson
Commuter Rail Station Siting
South Lawrence Fire
Jeffrey Goldberg
Hurricane Katrina’s Impact
Abey Hardy
Potential Wildlife Corridors
Brielle Kissel
Potential Vernal Pools
Lara Merida Fernandes
Raymond Property Company
Makito Ohikata
Floods Vulnerability Analysis
Sarah Damasa Pierce
Liquid Assests
Eric Senecal
Coastal Flood Risk
Erin Smyth
Wetlands Protection and Restoration
Adam White
Subway Station Implications
Luba Zhaurova
Watershed Management Plan
Alexander Keyel
Selecting Field Sites for Grassland Bird Research using GIS ModelBuilder
Liz Antin
Walkability of Schools
Emily Cohen
Households at Risk of Homelessness
Lizzy Grubin
Communities Most Burdened by Toxic Release Facilities
Kari Hewitt
Energy Consumption by State
Courtney Knapp
Brownfield Redevelopment Projects
Regina Lyons
Assessment of North Shore Massachusetts for a No Discharge Area Designation
Armando Milou
Stormwater Low Impact Development
Nathaniel Olken
Estimate of the Quality and Quantity of Riverrine Fish Habitat in the Charles River
Ali Quady
Disease & Environmental Variables
Michelle Sheehan
Stormwater Management
Chloe Starr
Potential Vernal Pool
Kaiba White
Flood Risk and Adaptive Capacity
Corey Kurtz
Strategic Organizing Campaigns
Alex Bedig
Geoprocessing with Modelbuilder
Allison Corwin
Land Use & Census Tract Travel Data
Jayme Hamann
Watershed Management
Susy Jones
The Somerville Community Path
Jason Kurian
Suitability of Developable Land
Amy Mattlage
Areas for Development
Katie Moore
Wind Turbine Site Suitability
Thomas Oommen
Liquefaction Potential Mapping
Flavia Resende
Vulnerability and Hazards
ChiaHui Shen
Chinese Community Profile
Tamara Perez Trejo
Community Inventory of Food Resources
Ellis Wongsearaya
TRI Facilities and Cancer Outcomes