Article 1: Dues and Membership

  1. National and local dues shall be paid to the local chapter in the amount determined by the executive board, in consideration of national dues set by the SAVMA House of Delegates.
  2. All members must be considered a “member in good standing” in order to attain full AVMA privileges during fourth year and after graduation.
  3. All members who have paid their dues their 3rd and 4th years, but are not a chapter member “in good standing” are eligible to receive modified and limited AVMA membership benefits as fourth years and after graduation.
  4. In order to be considered a “member in good standing”, a member must pay dues during 3rd and 4th years and complete one of the following:
    • Serve as an Executive Board member for one term AND contribute to the Auction two items during that term. OR
    • Complete two years of active service on a SAVMA committee.
  5. SAVMA committee requirements can only be earned if the member has paid dues for that year.