Article 7: Committees

  1. The number and purpose of committees will be subject to change as deemed necessary by the executive board.
  2. All committee chairs will be responsible for maintaining and updating committee records with details of events.
  3. Guidelines for applying for reimbursement from SAVMA funds for events exceeding a total cost of $200:
    1. Committee chairs must submit a signed budget proposal form to the SAVMA Treasurer no less than two weeks prior to the event.
    2. Upon receipt of this budget proposal form, the SAVMA Executive Board will vote to approve or not.
    3. If approved, a reimbursement form along with original receipts must be submitted to the SAVMA Treasurer.
  4. All committee chairs must submit biannual budget reports to the Treasurer.
    1. The first budget report must be submitted by October 1 including the estimated spending for that academic year.
    2. The second budget report must be submitted by May 1 including all spending as well as earnings during the prior academic year.
    1. The symposium committee is responsible for organizing and coordinating all events surrounding the annual student Spring Symposium.
    2. The committee will give a presentation on SAVMA Symposium to the TCSVM SAVMA chapter with pertinent information in Oct./Nov. of the preceding year.
    3. The committee will organize registration and preparation for academic competitions and athletic competitions.
    4. The committee will be as involved in organizing hotel and travel accommodations as deemed necessary by the Executive Board.
    5. The chairperson of the committee will be responsible for projecting necessary funds for travel and accommodations and work closely with the SAVMA treasurer to fill these funds.
    6. The chairperson will work closely with the National Delegate throughout this process.
    7. The chairperson is responsible for seeing that the SAVMA treasurer receives necessary reimbursement requests in a timely manner.
    1. The community service committee shall be responsible for organizing, advertising, coordinating and recording a minimum of three community service events throughout the year.
    2. All events must be advertised at least two weeks in advance, with advertisements containing location, directions to site, committee contact person and expected activities.
    3. Committee members are responsible for seeing that the SAVMA secretary receives notification of attendees and that the SAVMA treasurer receives necessary reimbursement requests in a timely manner.
    1. The professional development committee will be responsible for arranging, contacting and organizing a lecture series for students addressing different components of veterinary medicine.
    2. Within the lecture series, the professional development committee is responsible for organizing at least one lecture per month during the academic year.
    3. The professional development committee will be responsible for organizing and coordinating the National Veterinary Board Reviews for 4th year students. The Reviews must be held in the early Fall of the academic year at least two weeks prior to boards.
    4. Committee members are responsible for seeing that the SAVMA Public Relations Committee receives notification of such lectures and seminar series at least 2 weeks prior to the event so as to produce and post flyers/advertisers.
    5. Committee members are responsible for seeing that the SAVMA treasurer receives necessary reimbursement requests in a timely manner.
    1. The public relations committee will be responsible for cultivating relationships between the Chapter and the TCSVM community including staff, faculty, administration and alumni.
    2. The public relations committee will be responsible for disseminating information to the entire Chapter provided by the Executive Committee via bulletin boards and emails.
    3. The public relations committee will be responsible for developing and maintaining the official SAVMA bulletin boards.
    4. The public relations committee will be responsible for producing and distributing all posters and/or flyers announcing SAVMA events as per other committees’ requests and the Executive Board requests.
    5. The public relations committee is responsible for producing and distributing a letter of introduction to incoming 1st year students on of behalf of the Chapter. This letter is to be sent to first year students with SAVMA information and membership information in July.
    6. Committee members are responsible for seeing that the SAVMA treasurer receives necessary reimbursement requests in a timely manner.
    1. The information technology committee is responsible for developing, maintaining and updating the TCSVM SAVMA website.
    2. The information technology committee will also be in charge of maintaining the online Membership Registration.
    3. A committee member will be required to attend and document all Chapter events with a camera and upload the photos onto the website.
    1. The fund raising committee will be in charge of the Spring Fundraiser, the SAVMA store, and Hills Feeding Program.
    2. Spring Festival
      1. The Spring Festival committee will be composed of a minimum of two second year chairpersons and general committee members who will be organized by the committee chairs into subcommittees with specific responsibilities for the event. These include, but are not limited to: 5K Dog Dash, Amateur Dog Show, Dog Wash, Information Booths, Donations and Advertising.
      2. The chairpersons will be responsible for contacting and working with the Westborough Rotary, soliciting all potential corporate sponsors, maintaining the website and Spring Festival email account,, and organizing their committee members and the event. This includes, but is not limited to: coordinating the 5K Dog Dash, Amateur Dog Show, Dog Wash and Information Booths; advertising sufficiently; assembling all donated items for event prizes; and any other duties deemed pertinent.
      3. The chairpersons will assist the social committee in running the beginning of the year dog wash, held on the Sunday before 1st/2nd year classes begin.
    3. SAVMA store
      1. The store chairperson shall be in charge of ordering and organizing all merchandise in the store. Additionally, the chairperson will be responsible for accounting and recording all funds spent on store merchandise and provide that information to the Treasurer by January 1 and May 1 for fall and winter/spring semester spending respectively.
      2. The store members shall be responsible for opening the store to the TCSVM community at least once a week throughout the academic year and once a week during the summer to coincide with TCSVM’s AVM program.
      3. The store members shall be required to staff a sales table to the public at TCSVM Open House in September, Parents Day, and First Year Orientation.
    4. Hills Feeding Program
      1. As the committee chairs, the Hills representatives shall oversee committee members.
      2. Committee members will be responsible for organizing and distributing dog and cat food provided for TCSVM students by Hills Science Diet.
      3. All committee members are responsible for seeing that the SAVMA treasurer receives necessary reimbursement requests in a timely manner.
    1. The social committee will be responsible for organizing and staffing the First year Picnic (with Alpha Psi and President-elect), the Third Year Kick-Off Party, the Dog Wash, and both a Fall and Spring Barbeque.
    2. All committee members are responsible for seeing that the SAVMA treasurer receives necessary reimbursement requests in a timely manner.