
Welcome to the website of Tufts Pre-vet Society! This past semester, we have…

> Hosted speakers including:

  • Dr. Alfred DeMaria, state epidemiologist and director of the MA Department of Public Health
  • Jeanne diPretoro, Associate Director of Admissions at Ross University Veterinary School

> Attended the Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine Open House

> Attended a veterinary panel hosted by Brandeis University

> Taken an active role in the new Tufts Peer Health Collaborative for Boston area schools

> Taken a behind-the-scenes tour at the Museum of Science with live animal curator Bunny Watson

> Toured Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine with a veterinary student, attended a lecture with Dr. Mark Pokras, and held a private Q&A session with Director of Admissions Ford Barnet

> Held a info sessions on summer veterinary opportunities and more!

Click around our site for more information on being pre-vet at Tufts and applying to veterinary school. And be sure to check back here this spring for announcements about upcoming events!

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