Exploring ideas and engaging in conversation

Author: Phillippa Pitts (Page 4 of 236)

Snapshots of my Search History

by columnist Tegan Kehoe

Students in this year’s Exhibition Planning class were given a challenge: choose an image that inspires you from the photographs in Historic New England’s exhibition, “The Camera’s Coast,” and use it as a jumping-off point for a full-blown exhibition plan. In May, the Tufts University Art Gallery will host an exhibition that will offer a peek into their minds, with mini-exhibitions showing what each of them came up with. In the meantime, follow along on the Facebook page and on guest posts on this blog for previews into the process. The first guest blogger, Tegan, normally writes the column “The Wider World,” but today she’s sharing a bit about the foibles of research.

Snapshots: 15 Takes on an Exhibition is to take place at the Tufts University Koppleman Gallery May 6-18, 2014. Opening reception Tuesday, May 6, 2014, 5:30-8pm. See the Facebook page here.

One of the things I love about history and museum work is all of the weird research paths I end up going down. In the past few months, I’ve been collecting ideas, information, and images for my exhibition proposal “Rich Clam, Poor Clam” and the detail view of it which will be my part of Snapshots: 15 Takes on an Exhibition. “Rich Clam, Poor Clam” is about the cultures surrounding food in different social classes in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in New England, focusing on the way seafood had a special place in the diet of both the poor and the rich. Here are a few snapshots of what I’ve found along the way.

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Apply for coursework in Rwanda and Ethiopia!

Apply for a fourteen day course this August through Rutgers University.

This special educational travel seminar to Rwanda and Ethiopia is designed for emerging scholars in the fields of Comparative Genocide Studies, Memory Studies, Museum Studies, Media Studies, Anthropology, Political Science, Sociology, History and cognate fields. This 16 day travel experience and professional/academic course will prepare emerging scholars to gain knowledge and professional skills through study, direct observation and direct experience, dialogue with experts and implementation of critical analytical skills in understanding the history of genocide, post conflict challenges and the role of museums, memorials and civil society in remembrance, commemoration, reconciliation and reconstructions in these two nations.

Learn more: Emerging Scholars Registration Brochure pdfElectronic Registration Page

Weekly Jobs Round-Up!

Here’s our weekly roundup of new jobs. As always, they go up immediately on their own page. Happy hunting!


Save the Date: Local Legislators discuss the Fenway Cultural District

Next Wednesday, March 19, from 9-10:30 am, local legislators, artists, and cultural district stakeholders will convene at The Mary Baker Eddy Library for a MassCreative public hearing. They’ll be tackling the FY2015 budget, with perspectives from the individuals and institutions affected.

For the morning’s agenda, click here.

The Mary Baker Eddy Library is located a 200 Massachusetts Avenue, in Back Bay.


Graduate Student Lecturer Positions at the MFA

I’m excited, and sad, to forward this announcement. The MFA runs a paid program for a few graduate students per year to give tours in the galleries. For the past year, I’ve been one of these lecturers. The program is a fantastic opportunity to work not only with a diverse and fascinating set of visitors but also with two incredible educators, Brooke DiGiovanni-Evans, Head of Gallery Learning and Barbara Martin, Barbara and Theodore Alfond Curator of Education.

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