Academic ExcellenceClass of 1942 Prize

The Class of 1942 Prize Scholarship Winner: Elizabeth Moison

Elizabeth Moison (A20) is majoring in Sociology and minoring in Education and is ‘on track’ to become an outstanding university professor who will deftly juggle the teaching, research, mentoring and service that the profession entails.  She sets high expectations for herself and others, and she is writing a stellar senior thesis examining political activism and a developing political consciousness among queer high school students that will contribute scientific knowledge valuable to Sociology, Education, the CEEO and other groups on campus.  Her overriding interest is to increase access and opportunity for women in STEM, and for three years she has served on the executive board of STOMP.  

The Class of 1942 Prize Scholarship recognizes those seniors most likely to become outstanding university teachers, counselors, or administrators.