2019Latest News

Bill Moomaw joins Greta Thunberg and Luisa Neubauer on #UniteBehindtheScience Panel at COP25

CIERP Founder and Fletcher School Professor Emeritus, Bill Moomaw, joined the #UniteBehindtheScience panel with climate activists Greta Thunberg and Luisa Neubauer at the twenty-fifth Conference of the Parties (COP) on climate change, sponsored by the UN in Madrid, Spain this past December.

The Unite Behind the Science panel featured climate activists with scientists and climate experts from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI). Panelists discussed the need for the public to unite behind what scientists have been warning about the climate crisis – that it is an emergency.

You can watch the panel here.

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