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CIERP 2019 Graduation Luncheon

CIERP faculty, staff, fellows, alumni and Board members joined IERP graduating students on Monday, May 13 in the Chase Center to celebrate the end of the school year and to express congratulations.

This event was a memorable way for students to express their gratitude to the faculty, staff, and fellow students in the CIERP community who were a part of their journey at Fletcher. Many students thanked Professors Sims Gallagher, Professor Kates-Garnick, among other faculty members for their help in their career searches, assisting in the adjustment to Fletcher after many years in the workforce, and for overall being supportive figures during their enrollment in not just IERP courses, but throughout their entire career at The Fletcher School.

Additionally, IERP alumni shared their post-Fletcher stories and how being a part of CIERP has helped their careers. The alums expressed how the lessons learned and conversations had in their IERP courses directly corresponded with what they are doing in their new careers. Three alums attended the luncheon, and we hope many more will come back next year to share their stories!

Board co-chairs, John Harper and Prof. Bobbi Kates-Garnick gifted outgoing students carbon offsets and a sustainably sourced CIERP-branded luggage tag for their future adventures. Carbon offsets are essential for many Fletcher alums, as they serve to combat climate change and offset emissions, while frequently traveling for their globally-based careers.  The offsets and luggage tags ensure that when former-students travel abroad, they will be representing CIERP by traveling sustainably.

At the end of the luncheon, the CIERP community toasted to the graduates and to all the accomplishments from this past academic year. Congratulations to all the students graduating the weekend of May 18, 2019 and thank you to all the members of our team – Board members, faculty, staff, and alums!

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