Innovation in Energy
A Student Research Series

by Sujay Ravikumar
(Issue 004, Spring 2021)

by Abbe Ramanan, Pye Russell, and Kelly Smith
(Issue 002, Spring 2020)

by Josh Dockser, Alex Tenney, and Emelia Williams
(Issue 003, Spring 2020)

by Amanda Formica, Michael Semeraro, and Mara Menz
(Issue 001, Spring 2019)
Call for Papers
Given the extent of disruption throughout the energy sector, CIERP is providing Fletcher students an opportunity to publish short papers on the critical and strategic topic of energy innovation. The papers can address a broad set of innovation topics including technologies, policies, finance, investment strategies among and across all sectors of the energy field and can include ways that this innovation reduces climate change. The papers can be based on experience and/or research or as the result of in depth thinking about an aspect of energy innovation.
We are open to papers submitted for class requirements; case studies; write ups of work done for internships or summer jobs; shortened capstones; overviews of conferences attended; work-based participation in incubators and startups; policy ideas; investment opportunities; business plans; and changes to energy markets. This series provides a chance to publish your ideas, action plans, experiences, and strategies that involve innovation and/or disruption in the energy domain in a timely and concise manner, but not in the form of a blog. At this point we are seeking papers up to 10 pages in length but have flexibility in terms of length as appropriate.
Consider this call for ongoing papers as an opportunity to enhance your resume, especially for those of you engaged in job searches. Please submit your paper to Professor Kates-Garnick at, who will provide a relatively quick turnaround in terms of acceptance. She will provide you with editing ideas, but it is your responsibility to make them in a timely way. CIERP staff reserves the right to make line edits or require further revisions.
Please contact Professor Kates-Garnick with questions.
IDEAS: The Precursor to Innovation in Energy

International Development, Environment, and Sustainability, or IDEAS, was an online journal hosted by CIERP with works by Fletcher students. Originally published in 2007, our Innovation in Energy series is inspired by a similar mission. The overall goal of IDEAS was to provide a forum to showcase thoughtful, informative student-authored works addressing environmental issues. Part of the vision of IDEAS was to promote and generate meaningful discussion about and innovative solutions to environmental problems. It also provided an opportunity for students to build their resumes, display expertise, stimulate ideas, and and engage in dialogue in the field.
IDEAS Issues
- Issue 1: January 2007 – What are realistic options for alternative energy?
- Issue 2: April 2007 – Climate Change: How should we view and move forward on climate change policy?
- Issue 3: November 2007 – Water & Sustainable Development: Recommendations for Improving Current Management Approaches
- Issue 4: May 2008 – Corporate Social Responsibility and the Environment: What should corporations be responsible for doing in regard to the environment?
- Issue 5: December 2008 – United States’ Environmental Policy: Recommendations for President-elect Barack Obama’s environmental policy agenda
- Issue 6: Fall 2009 – Calling on Copenhagen
- Issue 7: Spring 2011 – Climate change, agriculture & food security