Cancer: Unit 1

What is cancer and why should we care?

The purpose of this unit is to engage students on the topic of cancer, by showing them how they can be personally impacted by cancer and by explaining how major questions in the cancer field impact our ability to treat cancer successfully. Students learn about how we know what causes cancer and how their own personal choices can affect their likelihood of developing cancer.

Lesson 1

Why should we care about cancer?

This lesson engages students on the idea that cancer is relevant to young people, not simply a disease of old age. It uses Steve Jobs as a case study example of how a cancer that manifests clinical symptoms as a person ages may actually have arisen when the person was young. Students will learn when Jobs’ pancreatic cancer developed and when it spread to his liver and lung and hence evaluate whether his choice at the age of 56 to delay pancreatic surgery for several months actually impacted his life expectancy. They will also discuss how early exposure to carcinogens may have impacted his cancer development.

Objectives – Demonstrate why cancer is relevant to young people.
– Identify lifestyle choices that may lead to increased risk of developing cancer later in life.
– Relate how metastasis is significant in cancer mortality.
Activities Steve Jobs case study
Materials Printed Materials:
– Lesson worksheet
Homework Written reflection: What lifestyle choices do I make that could predispose me to developing cancer later in life?

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4

Lesson 5

Teacher Prep: Unit 1 Lesson Overview Videos

In the YouTube embed below, click the order listing in the upper right to toggle the display for the full playlist.