Research with axiUm & BigMouth
Dr. Britta Magnuson, Matt Johnston, and Dr. Sarah Pagni presented on Research with axiUm & BigMouth on 4/15/2022. During their presentation they covered, the process of doing record/chart reviews with data from axiUm at TUSDM. Also, went over how to access the BigMouth Dental Data Repository, which is an oral health database developed with axiUm data from eleven dental schools, and how you can access and do research with it.
“Does Oral Health Matter?” by Dr. Raul Garcia, Professor and Chair, Health Policy & Health Services Research, Director, Center for Research to Evaluate & Eliminate Dental Disparities, Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine, Merritt Auditorium, DHS-7. Bates Andrews Research Day, March 2, 2022.
National Dental PBRN- Dr. Sath Allareddy-
TUSDM researchers attended a lecture put on by Dr. Sath Allareddy. Dr Allareddy goes over the topics of what a Practice Based Research Network entails. January 18, 2022
Translational Research Lecture Series 2021: Dr. Sergi X. Trilla –TUSDM researchers attended a lecture put on by Dr. Sergi X. Trilla on incremental, hypothesis-driven, governmentally supported research to return on investment. November 16, 2021.
Faculty Mentoring in the Student Research Fellowship Program – Faculty attendees learned what to expect and what is expected of them as research mentor. February 27, 2019
Dean Huw Thomas’ 150th Anniversary Lecture Series:
- Beyond the Clinic: Student Research and Innovation – Andrew G. Lum, D19 – Fibrin Accumulation in the Oral Mucosa Leads to Severe Periodontal Bone Loss: The National Institutes of Health Medical Research Scholars Program provides opportunities for pre-doctoral students to engage in mentored projects with clinician-scientists at the nation’s largest hospital for biomedical research. Students advance their fundamental knowledge in basic science while gaining valuable experience translating benchtop discoveries into novel bedside therapies. Andrew was amongst 42 other medical, dental, and veterinary students to be selected, and spent his year at the NIH studying the pathophysiologic role of fibrin in periodontitis. Shawn Kim, D20 – Healthcare, Tech, and Business: The significance of Innovation and Collaboration in Our Generation: Shawn Kim Looked at how science, technology, business, and culture come together to form novel innovations and thriving companies. He emphasized that collaboration and communication are needed more than ever in this generation among various industries and professions to improve and develop existing technologies and reform solutions in healthcare and treatments. Monday, September 17th 2018.
- Women’s Health and Periodontitis – Dr. Yu, Yau-Hua – “Precision Medicine in oral health has yet to happen! In this presentation, Dr. Yu will overview her research path and focus on her recent NIH K23 award aiming at exploring genomic determinants of periodontal disease. Her study was primarily conducted in the Women’s Health Study at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital.” Thursday, August 30th, 2018.
- Specialized Pro-resolving Mediators (SPMSs) & scar tissue formation after cleft-lip surgical repair – Dr. Evangelos Papathanasiou
Hypertrophic scar (HTS) formation is a frequent postoperative complication after cleft lip repair surgery with a negative impact on the quality of life for the child and the family. The objective of this Mentored Clinical Scientist Research Career Development (K08) award is to evaluate a new therapeutic approach to promote wound healing and limit scarring based on novel endogenous specialized pro-resolving lipid mediators (SPMs), termed Resolvins and Lipoxins. The expected outcome of this K08 award is to help Dr. Papathanasiou build a strong foundation for a career as an independent scientist in Clinical Translational Dental Research through a structured mentorship and a comprehensive training plan and lead future human clinical trials of SPMs for accelerating wound healing and minimizing fibrosis and scarring. Monday, July 16th, 2018 - Collaborative Innovations in Dental Education – Dr. Irina Dragan
“It is certainly an exciting time for our profession with all the changes on the horizon for the dental landscape. This presentation discussed how to incorporate collaborative creativity, redesign models of education and spark innovation. A report of the ADEA/ADEE “Shaping the future of dental education” workshop will unveil outcomes on topics such as: assessment, impact of scientific discoveries and technological advancement, interprofessional education and global networking”. Monday, June 25th, 2018 - Evidence Based Analgesia for Dental Professionals – Dr. Archana Viswanath
Dr. Viswanath focused on reviewing the physiological mechanisms behind post-surgical dental pain and the efficacy of various analgesic agents following the surgical removal of impacted third molar teeth. A discussion of the current prescription opioid abuse problem and the current prescribing patterns in Tufts Dental School will be highlighted. Tuesday, May 15th, 2018 - Biomarkers for Disease – Dr. Addy Holland
Dr. Alt-Holland focused on how basic skin cancer research inspired new clinical studies. She highlighted continuing collaboration between scientists, clinicians and patients that is leading to novel approaches to improving treatments and ultimately finding a cure for basal cell carcinoma nevoid syndrome patients. Monday, April 30th, 2018 - The Future of Dental Research: Methods and Applications – Drs. Sarah E. Pagni, Duong T. Tran, David Leader, and Thomas J. Stopka
Discussed methodological advances that have potential utility in future dental research. February 23, 2018
Past Lunch and Learns:
Research with Axium & BigMouth – Participants learned about the process of doing record/chart reviews with data from axiUm at TUSDM. Also discussed was the BigMouth Dental Data Repository, an oral health database developed with axiUm data from seven dental schools, and how you can access and do research with it. February 6, 2018
How to update your CV – Need to update or polish your resume? What’s the difference between a resume and a CV anyway? How should you incorporate research and dental experiences into your document? Learn tips to make your document stand out, and learn what common mistakes to avoid. November 29, 2017
Authorship, Citation Management and Literature Reviews (Video) (Slides) – This lunch and learn session covered an introductory overview of tools and tips to aid you in your Authorship goals, including: selecting journals to submit to, impact factor, author’s rights, citation management, conducting a solid literature review, and image use and reuse. October 3, 2017
Changes in the Grant Submission Process at TUSDM – Are you interested in submitting a grant or learning about the life cycle of a grant? Please watch this video as we discuss the steps involved in the grant process at TUSDM. A main focus of this presentation was the changes and process of a grant cycle. Presented on April 25, 2017
Systematic Reviews: Laying the Groundwork – Becky Morin of the Health Sciences Library highlights the basics of systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and other types of high-level research reviews. Learn more about topics such as the elements of a systematic review, protocols, resources, timelines, and suggested databases. March 28, 2017
Epidemiological Approach Using EHR Data – An epidemiological approach for studying survival of dental implants and endodontically treated teeth using electronic health record (EHR) data. A lot of patient data has been collected and entered into AxiUm EHR. How to use EHR data for dental research? Dr. Tran presented an epidemiological approach using EHR data to address clinical research questions about the survival of dental implants and endodontically treated teeth. Study designs, statistical data analysis methods, and future research projects suitable for EHR data will also be discussed. Presented on March 2, 2017
The Do’s and Don’ts of Research Coordinating – Are you interested in conducting a research study? Please join us as we discuss the steps involved in running a research study, from how to properly maintain source documents to quality assurance and study monitoring. A main focus of this presentation will be on Good Clinical Practice (GCP) and the importance of protecting the rights, safety, and confidentiality of study participants. Presented on February 27, 2017.
Qualitative Research: Focus Groups and Key Informant Interviews: Do you have a research question that might be best answered through focus groups or key informant interviews? Please join us as OIRE provides us with tips on successfully developing and conducting these types of qualitative research studies. We look forward to learning about developing pertinent questions, appropriate recruitment strategies, moderating strategies, and best procedures for data transcription! – Presented on February 2, 2017
Demystifying the IRB Process – The Institutional Review Board (IRB) submission process at TUSDM is broken down. The best practices are outlined from study development and submission, through IRB approval. Some tips about considerations during the protocol development phase in order to streamline the submission and approval process were discussed. – Presented on January 9, 2017 *Please note, the content of the video does not begin until minute 24.*
Animal Studies and Research Laboratory Resources – We discussed our Surgical and Interventional Research Laboratories (SIRL) and the services they offer including in-vivo and cadaveric surgical studies and training and animal model development. She also spoke about the general lab animal services DLAM (the Division of Lab Animal Medicine) provides at Tufts for animal studies. – November 18, 2016
Research Mentoring Workshop – What is involved in being a Research Mentor and resources available through DRA to assist you through the process. – Presented on 9/29/16
How to create the perfect spreadsheet for data analysis – Presented on 09/19/16
How to write the perfect abstract (Video) (Slides) – Dr. Lynn Whittaker’s (Executive Managing Editor of the Journal of Dental Education) presentation, How to Write the Perfect Abstract, presented in Merritt on Monday, August 29, 2016.
Authorship and Plagiarism (Guidelines) (Handouts) (Slides) – Dental Research Administration (DRA) sponsored a lunch and learn put on by the Hirsh Health Science Library regarding Plagiarism and Authorship. If you didn’t get a chance to attend the lunch and learn you will find this PowerPoint presentation helpful to review. June 14, 2016