Project Overview

Overview: You are required to complete an independent group project using “digital storytelling,” the use of computer-based tools to tell a story. This project is designed to increase your skills in environmental communication.  You will integrate images, narrative and music and your goal is to use your knowledge (gained via lectures, assigned readings and independent research) to become teachers. Much of the knowledge gained in today’s world comes via multi-media so this assignment forces you to think deeply on how to be scientifically accurate, accessible, and engaging.  Humans are hard-wired to tell and receive stories so, if done well, your project has the potential to make a lasting impression.

There are many different ways of creating a digital story.  Stories tend to tell their narrative using video, photos or cartoons. “The Story of Stuff” by Annie Leonard ( is regarded by many to be one of the most effective (,0,7630982.story).  Your project will be shorter (3-5 minutes), AND SIMPLER, and use photos to illustrate.

DEADLINES: NOTE: meeting the deadlines is your responsibility (see Late Policy)
Sept. 21Group sign-up and forms DUE to Google Spreadsheet (Group sign-up) and Trunk (Group forms) by 11:55 pm. Groups formed, roles selected and topic chosen; Non-listed topics need to be approved by Orians. A hard-copy of the signed group agreement is DUE to Nicole Soltis’ mailbox (120 Dana Hall) by 5:00 pm Sept 22.
Oct. 5 – Guided literature search worksheet DUE to Trunk by 11:55 pm.
Oct. 21Bibliography of resources (books, lecture notes, articles, etc.) and Purpose & audience assignment  DUE to Trunk by 11:55 pm. For expectations go to “Finding Resources” page.  Begin process of choosing which words/facts, visuals/images and audio/sounds to be included.
Nov. 4 – Completed Storyboard DUE to Trunk by 11:55 pm.
Nov. 19 – Signed Release Agreement for Student Work and Third-party Image Release (if applicable) DUE (to Nicole Soltis) & Completed project for Peer Review DUE to MediaMarkup by 5:00 pm.
Nov. 30Peer review forms DUE to Trunk by 5:00 pm
Dec. 13Final Digital Story given DUE to Vimeo & Project Portfolio Documents DUE to Trunk by 5:00 pm.