On this page, you can find resources on:
Policy Briefs
Discussion Papers
Frank Ackerman
Timothy A. Wise
June Sekera
Julie A. Nelson
Some of GDAE’s past work is no longer hosted on our website. Please check the directory below to find materials at their new locations.
You can find the following materials at the Economics in Context Initiative at Boston University’s Global Development Policy Center:
- Textbooks (Microeconomics in Context, Macroeconomics in Context, Principles of Economics in Context, Macroeconomics in Context: A European Perspective)
- Books
- Teaching Modules
- Leontief Prize
- Economic Theory Multimedia
- Articles and Reports
- Working Papers
- Publications in other languages
Policy Briefs
18-01 “Growing Resistance: The Rise and Fall of Another Mozambique Land Grab” May 2018. Timothy A. Wise.
16-01 “Some Real Costs of the Trans-Pacific Partnership: Lost Jobs, Lower Incomes, Rising Inequality” February 2016. Jomo Kwame Sundaram.
13-02 “The Uncertain Gains from Trade Facilitation” December 2019. Jeronim Capaldo.
13-01 “Fiscal Austerity and the Euro Crisis: Where Will Demand Come From?“ November 2013. Jeronim Capaldo.
11-01 “Still Waiting for the Farm Boom: Family Farmers Worse Off Despite High Prices“ March 2011. Timothy A. Wise.
10-01 “Hogging the Gains from Trade: The Real Winners from U.S. Trade and Agricultural Policies“ January 2010. Timothy A. Wise and Betsy Rakocy.
09-02 “Boom for Whom? Family Farmers Saw Lower On-Farm Income Despite High Prices“ February 2019. Timothy A. Wise and Alicia Harvie.
09-01 “Sweetening the Pot: Implicit Subsidies to Corn Sweeteners and the U.S. Obesity Epidemic“ February 2019. Alicia Harvie and Timothy A. Wise.
07-03 “Feeding at the Trough: Industrial Livestock Firms Saved $35 billion From Low Feed Prices“ December 2007. Elanor Starmer and Timothy A. Wise
07-02 “No Fast Track to Global Poverty Reduction“ April 2007. Timothy A. Wise and Kevin P. Gallagher.
Discussion Papers
34. “Chinese Investment in Peru: A Comparative Analysis” December 2012. Amos Irwin and Kevin P. Gallagher
33. “Chinese FDI in Latin America: Does Ownership Matter?” November 2012. Enrique Dussel Peters
32. “Capital inflows, bank deregulation and financial institutions: from repression to crash? Argentina and South Korea compared” October 2011. Leonardo E. Stanley.
31. “‘Smoke but do not inhale’: Capital Inflows, Financial Markets and Institutions, a Tale from Three Emerging Giants” October 2011. Leonardo E. Stanley.
30. “FDI and Development: After the Washington Consensus” May 2010. Andrés López.
29. “Standing Tall: BRICs Improve FDI Impacts and Reduce Risks” January 2010. Michael Mortimore and Leonardo Stanley.
28. “Don ́t Expect Apples From a Pear Tree: Foreign Direct Investment and Innovation in Mexico” November 2009. Enrique Dussel Peters.
27. “Justice Denied: Dispute Settlement in Latin America’s Trade and Investment Agreements” October 2009. Michael Mortimore and Leonardo Stanley.
26. “Apertura y desregulación en Centroamérica: Los impactos en la agricultura familiar campesina de El Salvador” Julio (July) 2008. René Rivera Magaña.
25. “Liberalização Comercial e Agricultura Familiar No Brasil. A Experiência das Décadas de 1980 e 1990” Julho (July) 2008. Nelson Giordano Delgado.
24. “La liberalización del comercio agrícola en Bolivia o el desmantelamiento de la agricultura campesina” Marzo (March) 2009. Mamerto Pérez and Yara Pérez.
23. “La soya en Bolivia, ¿el “grano de oro” que no brilla?” Julio (July) 2008. Mamerto Pérez.
22. “Expansión de la soja transgénica en la Argentina” Julio (July) 2008. Miguel Teubal.
21. “Soja: o grão que segue crescendo” Julho (July) 2008. Sergio Schlesinger.
20. “Inercia Estructural Y Globalización: La Agricultura y los Campesinos, Más Allá del TLCAN” Julio (June) 2018. Fernando Rello.
19. “The Limited Promise of Agricultural Trade Liberalization” July 2008. Timothy A. Wise.
18. “FDI Spillovers and Sustainable Industrial Development: Evidence from U.S. Firms in Mexico’s Silicon Valley” April 2008. Lyuba Zarsky and Kevin Gallagher.
17. “Beyond Pollution Haloes: The Environmental Effects of FDI in the Pulp and Paper and Petrochemicals Sectors in Brazil” April 2008. Luciana Togeiro de Almeida & Sueila dos Santos Rocha.
16. “Natural Resources & Foreign Investors: A tale of three Andean countries” April 2008. Leonardo Stanley.
15. “Effects of Foreign Investment versus Domestic Investment on the Forestry Sector in Latin America (Chile and Brazil) – Demystifying FDI effects related to the Environment” April 2008. Nicola Borregaard, Annie Dufey, and Lucy Winchester.
14. “Foreign Direct Investment, International Rules and Sustainable Development: Some preliminary lessons from the Uruguayan pulp mills case” April 2008. Martina Chidiak.
13. “Foreign Investment and Economic Development in Costa Rica: The Unrealized Potential” April 2008. Jose Cordero and Eva Paus.
12. “Foreign Investment and Sustainable Development in Argentina” April 2008. Daniel Chudnovsky and Andrés López.
11. “The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment in Mexico” April 2008. Enrique Dussel Peters.
10. “Foreign Direct Investment and Transnational Corporations in Brazil: Recent Trends and Impacts on Economic Development” April 2008. Celio Hiratuka.
9. “Is Foreign Investment Always Good for Development” April 2008. Manuel R. Agosin.
8. “Does Foreign Direct Investment Work For Sustainable Development? A case study of the Brazilian pulp and paper industry” March 2007. Sueila dos Santos Rocha and Luciana Togeiro de Almeida.
7. “Economic Integration and the Environment in El Salvador” June 2004. Hermán Rosa.
6. “Economic Integration and the Environment in Mexico: Lessons for Future Trade Agreements” June 2004. Kevin P. Gallagher.
5. “Trade Liberalization in Chile: What is the Evidence of Its Effects and How Can Sustainable Development Be Safeguarded?” June 2004. Nicola Borregaard.
4. “The Environmental Costs of Agricultural Trade Liberalization: Mexico-U.S. Maize Trade Under NAFTA” June 2004. Alejandro Nadal and Timothy A. Wise.
3. “Trade, Environment and Development: The Recent Argentine Experience” June 2004. Daniel Chudnovsky.
2. “Trade, Foreign Investment and the Environment: The Brazilian Experience” June 2004. Carlos Eduardo Frickmann Young.
1. “Trade, Environment and Development: The Brazilian Experience” June 2004. Luciana Togeiro de Almeida, Mário Ferreira Presser, and Stela Luiza de Mattos Ansanelli.
Frank Ackerman
Frank Ackerman, former Senior Research Associate at GDAE, died in July 2019. He was a prominent environmentalist and a prolific writer on topics ranging from the economics of climate change to critiques of mainstream economic theory. Dr. Ackerman also worked at the Stockholm Environment Institute and most recently at Synapse Energy Economics, where he advised government agencies and non-governmental organizations on a range of climate, energy, and other environmental policy initiatives. His last essay “Why Economics?” looks back on his career and discusses his many contributions to cost-benefit analysis, climate economics, and exposing inequality.
In Memoriam: Frank Ackerman | United States Society for Ecological Economics (USSEE)
Dr. Ackerman’s full body of work is available at http://frankackerman.com/
Timothy A. Wise
Timothy A. Wise, Senior Research Fellow at GDAE, is a Senior Advisor at the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP), where his work focuses on the Future of Food, based on his recent book, Eating Tomorrow: Agribusiness, Family Farmers, and the Battle for the Future of Food. He is a Senior Advisor with the Small Planet Institute, where he directed the Land and Food Rights Program from 2016-2020.
See a complete listing of Tim Wise’s work.
June Sekera
June Sekera’s work on public goods can be found on her website Public Goods Post: https://www.publicgoodspost.org/
Julie A. Nelson
Julie A. Nelson’s work on feminist economics, ecological economics, the philosophy and methodology of economics, ethics and economics, the teaching of economics, and the empirical study of individual and household behavior can be found on her website: https://sites.google.com/site/julieanelsoneconomist/home
If there is a particular publication you are trying to find but can’t locate on our new website, please email us at gdae@tufts.edu