Month: April 2021

Jobs Blog postings: 4/29/2021

Green Practices and Sustainability Manager
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA

Sustainability Project Manager
University of Mississippi
University, MS

Sustainability Manager
University of Nebraska Medical Center
Omaha, NE

Research and Media Intern – Spanish Speaker
Tech Goes Home
Remote work
Position open until filled; application review begins April 30, 2021.

Sustainability Analyst
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA
Position posted April 20, 2021.

Student Sustainability Program Director
University of Illinois at Chicago
Chicago, IL
Application deadline: May 17, 2021.

Garden Coordinator
University of the Pacific
Stockton, CA
Position posted April 26, 2021.

Wildlife Insights Business Development Intern
Conservation International (CI)
Remote work
Application deadline: April 30, 2021.

Communications & Food Assistance Intern
Prince George’s County Food Equity Council (FEC)
Remote work
Application deadline: May 2, 2021.

Grist Journalism Fellowship
Remote work
Application deadline: 5pm PT, May 18, 2021.

Seasonal Ecology Technician
The Center for Environmental Management of Military Lands
Bedford, MA
Application deadline: May 2, 2021.

Food Hub Operations Assistant
New Entry Food Hub
Beverly, MA

Administrative and Development Coordinator
Healthy Waltham
Remote work/Waltham, MA

Water Quality Monitoring Program Assistant
Connecticut River Conservancy
Western MA

Maine Program Coordinator
Remote work/ME
Applications reviewed on a rolling bases. Anticipated hire date of July 1st.

New Jersey Program Coordinator
Remote work/NJ
Applications reviewed on a rolling bases. Anticipated hire date of July 1st.

Stewardship Coordinator
Northeast Wilderness Trust
Montpelier, VT
Application deadline: May 15, 2021.

GIS Fellowship
American Conservation Experience
Washington, D.C.
Application deadline: May 28, 2021.

Litigation Assistant, Clean Energy
Washington, D.C.
Application deadline: May 7, 2021.

Farm and Harvest Crew Positions
Stone Acres Farm
Stonington, CT
Position posted April 15, 2021.

Program Coordinator – Expanding Market Access for Farmers of Color
Rural Advancement Foundation International-USA
Pittsboro, NC
Applications accepted on a rolling basis. Position posted March 30, 2021.

GIS Web Developer
The Nature Conservancy
Boulder, CO
Application deadline: May 3, 2021.

Ecological Restoration Technician (multiple positions)
Native Resource Preservation LLC
St. Paul, MN

Program Coordinator
Detroit Audubon
Detroit, MI
Application deadline: May 15, 2021.

Digital Communications Coordinator
Feeding Texas
Austin, TX
Applications accepted on a rolling basis.

Community Engagement Coordinator
Feeding Texas
Austin, TX
Applications accepted on a rolling basis.

Range Conservationist
Montana Association of Conservation Districts
Circle, MT
Application deadline: May 7, 2021.

Various Fellowships
Alaska Fellows
Various, AK
Applications accepted on a rolling basis.

Crew Leader
Southwest Boston CDC Green Team
Hyde Park, MA
Position starts June 21, 2021.

Conference Intern
Women, Food, and Agriculture Network
Remote work
Application deadline: May 4, 2021.

Summer Intern
National Farmers Union
Remote work

Summer Intern
Upper Mississippi River Basin Association
Appears Remote
Application deadline: May 5, 2021.

Shorebird Monitor
Duxbury Beach Reservation
Duxbury, MA

Education Intern
The Creature Conservancy
Ann Arbor, MI
Application deadline: May 20, 2021.

Forest Project Crew Leader
Wave Hill
Bronx, NY

Food Access Summer Interns (3)
Fresh Approach
San Francisco Bay Area, CA
Application deadline: May 2, 2021.

Creative Coordinator
The Good Food Institute
Applications accepted on a rolling basis.

Forest Climate Policy Analyst
Environmental Defense Fund
Position posted March 22, 2021.

Land Campaign Organizer
National Young Farmer’s Coalition
Application deadline: May 12, 2021.

Coal Research Analyst
Global Energy Monitor
Applications accepted on a rolling basis.

Digital Production Assistant
Climate Power
Remote / Washington DC

Communications Assistant
Climate Power
Remote / Washington DC

Customer Success Associate
Cambridge, MA

Senior Crew Leader
Wave Hill
Bronx, NY

Agriculture Specialist
Indiana Country Conservation District
Indiana, PA
Application deadline: May 14, 2021.

Digital Fundraising Coordinator
Ocean Conservancy
Washington D.C.

Digital Media Coordinator
Ocean Conservancy
Washington DC

Government Relations Legislative Assistant
Ocean Conservancy
Washington DC

Outreach & Development Manager
Ridge & Valley Conservancy
Blairstown, NJ
Application deadline: May 15, 2021.

Environmental Policy Advocate
Toxic Free NC
Durham, NC
Application deadline: May 24

Agriculture Conservation Specialist
Alachua Conservation Trust
Gainesville, FL
Application deadline: May 5, 2021.

Springs Project Coordinator
Alachua Conservation Trust
Gainesville, FL
Application deadline: May 6, 2021.

Installation Technician
Natural Shore Technologies
Maple Plain, MN
Application deadline: May 5, 2021.

Oak Openings Restoration Crew Member
The Nature Conservancy, Ohio
Swanton, OH
Application deadline: May 5, 2021.

Native Landscape & Garden Coordinator
Cincinnati Nature Center
Milford, OH
Application deadline: May 2, 2021.

Wildlife Management Specialist
Pheasants & Quails Forever
Parkersburg, IA
Application deadline: May 14, 2021.

Park Services Technician
Jefferson Country Open Space
Golden, CO
Application deadline: May 16, 2021.

Zero Waste Coordinator
Resource Central
Boulder, CO
Application deadline: May 21, 2021.

Farm Educator – Vegetable Production Specialist
College Station, TX

Assistant Gardener
Bastyr University
Kenmore, WA
Position posted April 7, 2021.

Field Biologist – Mollusk/Avian Surveys
Turnstone Environmental
Portland, OR

Sustainability Coordinator
Pacific Coast Fruit Company
Portland, OR

Invasive Species Program Coordinator
Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum
Tucson, AZ
Position posted on April 14, 2021; applications reviewed on a rolling basis.

Small Farm Advisors (2) & Community Educators (7)
Throughout CA

2021 Move Out: Donations, Recycling, and Waste


Each year during spring semester Move-Out, the Tufts Office of Sustainability collects donation items as part of its “Trash to Treasures” program. The purpose of Trash to Treasures is to divert salvageable goods from landfills and instead provide them to community members who will use them.


Visualization of donation station locations.

There will be two staffed donation stations, equipped with trailers and collection bins:  

  1. Lower Campus (Haskell Hall on Latin Way)
  2. Upper Campus (Carmichael Hall Parking Lot) 

There will be four 24/7 UPod drop-off locations:*

  1. Haskell Hall on Latin Way
  2. Carmichael Hall Parking Lot
  3. Lot next to 123 Packard Ave
  4. Hill Hall parking lot

For more information about donation station and drop-off locations, visit our 2021 Move Out Donations Map.


Wednesday, May 4th – Friday May 7th: No donation stations, but students may drop off accepted donation items at any of the four UPods 24/7

Saturday, May 8th – Friday, May 14th: Lower and upper campus donation stations are open and staffed from 10:00am-5:00pm daily

Saturday, May 15th: Lower and upper campus donation stations are open until 12:00pm

Picture of UPods. Peel apart velcro and open using handle on side door.


UPods are open for drop-off at all hours from May 4th through May 15th at 12:00pm.

If someone needs to donate at night or early morning when the donation stations are closed, please drop-off donations inside of one of the four UPod locations.


  • Clothing, sheets, shoes
  • Household items: storage containers, dorm decor, fans, vacuums, large and small lamps, mirrors, waste bins, laundry baskets
  • Dining hall dishes 
  • Books and school supplies 
  • Crutches and exercise/sports equipment
  • Unopened, non-perishable food
  • Cleaning supplies: laundry detergent, brooms and sweepers
  • Toiletries: Unopened bottles, feminine hygiene products
  • Kitchen cookware, working kitchen appliances
  • Working electronics
  • Furniture
  • Rugs
  • Media items (DVDs, VHS, CDs, vinyl records, Blu-Ray, etc.)

We will have additional collection bins at both the lower and upper campus donation stations for recycling the following:  

  • Plastic film, including grocery bags, air pillows, bubble wrap, and produce bags 
  • Broken small electronics   

We DO NOT accept:

  • Mattresses
  • Pillows
  • Hangers
  • Hazardous items (for more information about battery and lightbulb recycling at Tufts, visit our specialty recycling webpage)


To increase the efficiency of Tufts’ Move Out process, bring your recycling and trash to an outside dumpster. This will ease the load on our hardworking custodial and Facilities staff.


Recycling dumpsters have blue lids. View up-to-date locations of campus recycling dumpsters on our Eco-Map.

View our website for more information about how-to-recycle and specialty recycling at Tufts.


Trash dumpsters have black lids. View up to date locations of campus trash dumpsters on our Eco-Map.

There will additional be large open top trash dumpsters placed at the following locations: Harleston Hall (2), Latin Way (1), Carmichael (1), Talbot (1), Miller Hall (1), and Hill Hall (1).

View our website for more information about how to properly dispose of your waste at Tufts.



Jobs Blog postings: 4/21/2021

Update: In an effort to consolidate our Career postings, the Office of Sustainability will now post new jobs, internships, volunteer roles and professional development opportunities as a single post, once per week.

New postings as of Wednesday, April 21st, 2021:

Spring/Summer Clean Energy Intern
Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC)
Boston, MA
Position open until filled; deadline is April 29, 2021.

Postdoctoral Research Scholar
Arizona State University
Temple, AZ
Position posted April 15, 2021; review begins May 15.

GIS Research Assistant (2 Positions)
Harvard Kennedy School
Remote work
Deadline is April 30, 2021. Applicants reviewed on a rolling basis; preference to those who can start immediately.

Community Building Research, Americorps Summer Vista
The Neighborhood Developers, Inc. (TND)
Chelsea, MA
Applications reviewed on a rolling basis until position is filled, beginning June 2021.

Community Building Placekeeping, Americorps Summer Vista
The Neighborhood Developers, Inc. (TND)
Chelsea, MA
Applications reviewed on a rolling basis until position is filled, beginning June 2021.

Summer Student Mini-Grants
Dartmouth Irving Institute for Energy and Society
Deadline is May 5, 2021 at 5pm ET.

Data Analyst Intern
Silicon Valley Clean Energy
Santa Clara, CA
Deadline is April 30, 2021 at 5pm PT.

Landscape Laborer
Shade Scapes
Cambridge, MA
Accepting applications immediately.

Marketing Communication Manager
Enviro Power
Hartford, CT

U.S. Transmission Grid Congestion Analyst, Intern/Co-op
Somerville, MA

Marketing Intern
Coi Energy
Various locations/Remote work

Research Fellowships (4 positions)
Stockholm Environment Institute
Stockholm, Sweden
Deadline is May 2, 2021.

U360 Business and Sustainability Internship Program
Deadline is June 30th, 2021.

Director of Sustainability
University of Vermont
Burlington, VT
Position posted April 14, 2021.

Program Manager, ASU Sustainability Practices team
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ
Deadline is April 28, 2021.

Greening Facilitator
Reduction in Motion
Baltimore, MD

Summer Research and Analyst Fellowship
Sustainable Capital Advisors (SCA)
Washington, DC

City of Medford
Medford, MA
Positions posted March 29, 2021.

Wildlife Insights Business Development Intern
Conservation International
Remote work/Various locations
Deadline is April 30, 2021.

Clean Energy Advocate (multiple positions)
Common Energy
Remote work

New Solar Carport Installation at the Medford Campus

Design Rendering Provided by iSun Energy

Tufts University’s Auxiliary and Transportation Services department has announced the construction of a new solar carport for charging electric vehicles. The carport will be located in the Cohen Parking Lot on Lower Campus Road in Medford. It will provide charging for up to six electric vehicles. Construction of the carport will begin April 15, 2021 and is expected to be completed on April 30, 2021.

In the near term, parking spots in the carport will be on a first-come-first-served basis for Tufts University permit holders. Possible future enhancements may include the ability for electric vehicle drivers to reserve spaces using a parking management system app.

“We’re really pleased to be able to offer additional electric vehicle charging stations on the Medford campus. Not only is this a positive step toward promoting more green methods of transportation, but the carport fits squarely within Tufts’ overall commitment to environmental sustainability,” said Jason McClellan, senior director of Tufts University Auxiliary Services.

This pilot program, offered in partnership with iSun Energy, will generate energy measured by a separate meter, and excess power produced will be distributed to the grid. “By partnering with iSun and our electricity utility, the solar carport joins Tufts other solar projects in helping the Commonwealth reach its goal of net zero emissions by 2050, as required under the new comprehensive climate change legislation signed into law by Governor Baker in March, 2021,” said Tina Woolston, director of the Office of Sustainability. “This in turn, helps Tufts reach its own goal of carbon neutrality by 2050.”

Learn about Tufts’ other solar installations

Learn about Tufts’ other sustainable transportation and commuting options.