Open Access Awareness at Tufts Survey Results

A few weeks back we asked faculty to participate in a survey about impressions of open access scholarly literature, that is, literature which is digital, online, free of charge, and free of most copyright and licensing restrictions.  A big thank you to everyone who responded to the Tufts Scholarly Communication Team survey.  A similar survey was also conducted in the fall of 2011.  As promised, here are some quick numbers from both the 2011 and 2013 editions…

2011 (n=119) 2013 (n=155)
Favor a “Harvard-like” OA deposit mandate at Tufts 88% 89%
Would publish OA if didn’t have to pay personally 81% 86%
Would publish OA if available in their field 75% 80%
Know OA journals are peer-reviewed 58% 64%
Know about the pilot project POAF 36% 33%
Published in an OA journal in the Directory of Open Access Journals 22% 25%
Know they can often put pre-prints on Tufts websites NA 21%
Paid author fees to publish in an OA journal 11% 13%


View more Open Access Faculty Awareness Survey results!