Welcome Becky Philio, Library Reference Assistant!

2013-07-09 15.43.26We here at Hirsh would like to extend a big “Hello!” to the newest member of our family: Becky Philio, our new Library Reference Assistant!

Becky comes to us from Boston University, with a degree in Information Management and Preservation from the University of Glasgow, Scotland. Here at Hirsh she’ll be running the Reserve collection, but she also has a strong interest in archiving, particularly with digital collections. She also is a photography volunteer for the Nave Gallery of Somerville, and has been recruited as the photographer here at our library.

Becky will be working Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursday – Saturday, so feel free to come say hi! If you have any questions for her regarding the library as a whole or our Reserves collection in particular, she can be reached at rebecca.philio@tufts.edu, or at 617.636.2454.

Welcome, Becky. It’s good to have you here!