On-Campus Housing

On-Campus Housing

The Tufts Office of Residential Life and Learning has limited available on-campus housing options for The Fletcher School in the ’10s tower of Hillside Apartments as well as ten Walnut Hill properties on the perimeter of the Medford-Somerville Campus. These locations offer a variety of amenities such as single bedrooms in a shared house with shared laundry and kitchen facilities. For additional details on on-campus housing please visit Tufts Office of Residential Life’s Graduate Housing page.  For all questions, please contact their office at StudentServices@tufts.edu.

On campus housing is available exclusively for Fletcher students, including those enrolled in the CSPP and MAHA programs.

For the best chance at being offered on-campus housing, please submit your application as soon as possible.

Please follow the steps below to apply for on-campus housing for the fall semester 2024. If space is available, students will be contacted by the Office of Residential Life to discuss placement options. 

  1. In order to apply for on-campus housing, you must confirm your enrollment by paying your enrollment deposit. This process, detailed below, can take 3-5 business days to fully complete. Please allow yourself ample time to complete all steps before the housing application opens to give yourself the best chance at securing on-campus housing.
  2. Shortly after paying your enrollment deposit and confirming your enrollment, you will receive detailed instructions on how to set up a Tufts email account and obtain a Tufts ID number.
  3. Once your Tufts email account has been set up, you will be assigned your Tufts username (also referred to as: UTLN – Universal Tufts Login Name) and password to login to many computer systems at Tufts; your UTLN will be in a similar format to “jsmith01.” Your assigned Username and Password will also enable you to log into the Tufts Student Information System, SIS. Please note after completing the process of obtaining your assigned username and password, it will take approximately 2-3 days to gain access to SIS.

When you have set up your Tufts UTLN and password, only then will you be able to access the Housing Application Portal via SIS.

  1. Once you are logged into SIS, click on “About Me”, then click on “Housing”.
  2. Once you have reached the Home Page, click on “Application” on the top left screen.
  3. Follow prompts to complete Housing Application.

If you are a student with a documented disability that may need housing accommodations to achieve equal access, please connect with the StAAR Center no later than June 14th. The StAAR Center will review your access needs and determine what accommodations might be appropriate. While we are happy to connect with you after June 14th, please know that any approved accommodation is subject to availability and not guaranteed after the deadline. For more information about the StAAR Center please visit their website.