Taehee Lee

Taehee Lee, MALD 2023

Fields of Study: Human Security; International Negotiation and Conflict Resolution

Email: Taehee.Lee@tufts.edu

Previously attended:

  • Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS)

Experience before Fletcher:

  • The Republic of Korea’s Youth Representative for 12th UNESCO Youth Forum
  • Tutor at The Settlement Support Center for North Korean Refugees (Hanawon)
  • Project Action Officer at Korea International Cooperation Agency(KOICA)
  • Young Professional at Korean National Commission for UNESCO(KNCU)
  • Project Assistant at a Medical NGO in Cambodia

Activities at Fletcher:

  • The North Korea Working Group (NKWG) at Fletcher

Career focus:Peace and Development Specialist; Policy Analyst; Development Consultant; Interested in conflict prevention and sustainable development in fragile states