A New Reality in Northern Syria: The Geopolitics of Trump’s Syria “Withdrawal”

by Caleb Weiss ’21 and Nathan Heath ’20 Intro In recent months, the geopolitics of the Syrian Civil War have

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Risks from Turkey’s Ongoing Financial Crisis

by Nathan Heath ’20, Senior Research Associate and Political Risk Analyst The Turkish economy has faced significant challenges since the

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Risks from Gulf Investments in an Unstable Sudan

by Nathan Heath ’20, Senior Research Associate and Political Risk Analyst Four months after the coup ousting long-time President Omar

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A Red Sea Geopolitics Primer

There is the potential for either reward or disaster in the Red Sea, as increasing economic and military competition in its waters raises the possibility of intense economic growth while simultaneously foreshadowing potential conflicts between rival powers. High levels of trade, energy production, and innovation forecast significant economic opportunity in the Red Sea, but this prosperity is threatened by regional rivalries and the ongoing Great Power competition between the U.S. and China.

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