| Volodymyr Dubovyk is a Visiting Professor at Tufts University and Associate Professor in the Department of International Relations and Director of the Center for International Studies at Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University in Ukraine. He is one of the preeminent Ukrainian experts in the fields of international affairs, security studies, and foreign policy analysis. Dubovyk has conducted research at the Kennan Institute, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (1997, 2006-2007, the latter being his first Fulbright), and at the Center for International and Security Studies at the University of Maryland (2002). He taught at the University of Washington in 2013 as well as St. Edwards University and the University of Texas from 2016-2017 (his second Fulbright). He is co-author of Ukraine and European Security (1999) and has published numerous articles on U.S.-Ukraine relations, Black Sea regional security, international security, and Ukraine’s foreign policy and security. |
 | Arman Grigoryan is a Fulbright Visiting Scholar at The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University. His research interests include cyber policy, digitalization and IT governance, cybercrime investigations and risk management, economic aspects of cybersecurity and information security. He is a distinguished graduate of the Government Information Leadership Advanced Management Program of the College of Information and Cyberspace (iCollege) at the US National Defense University and holds a PhD in Computer Science (Automation Systems). He is an associate professor of cybersecurity and information security at the National Polytechnic University of Armenia and has affiliations with Yerevan State University, French University in Armenia and European University of Armenia. Prior to joining The Fletcher School, he was the head of the Center for National Security Policy and ICT at the Institute for National Strategic Studies at the National Defense Research University of the Ministry of Defense of Armenia. |
 | Stepan Goncharov founded Respo, a Central Asian research company, in 2023 and became its director. Respo specializes in providing research services and developing new research approaches for emerging markets in the region. Goncharov's studies cover foreign policy attitudes, socio-cultural, and economic behavior of societies. Since 2013, he has worked as a researcher at the Levada-Center, a respected Russian research NGO. Stepan conducted various studies on political and economic behavior, as well as media consumption in Russia. He co-authored analytical reports on media consumption and consumer behavior published by Levada-Center and other institutions. Additionally, he authored numerous press releases on socio-economic behavior on Levada-Center's website. Stepan also played a role in developing Levada-Center's research capabilities, including online, mobile, and telephone surveys. Stepan Goncharov has over ten years of experience conducting research for commercial, non-profit, educational, and governmental organizations, including the World Bank, WWF, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Change.org, and others. He also participated in a joint research project on bilateral relations between the Chicago Council and Levada-Center. |
 | Maxim Krupskiy is a human rights defender, attorney, and Ph.D. (Candidate of Science in Philosophy) with more than twelve years of law practice in Russia defending refugees, civil activists persecuted by the Russian authorities, and NGOs recognized as "foreign agents." Throughout his professional career he has specialized in the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms. Since 2011, Krupskiy has represented clients in cases related to migration law (refugees and asylum seekers), including cooperation with the UNHCR. Since 2014, he has defended dozens of civil activists persecuted by the Russian authorities for participating in peaceful public events (demonstrations and pickets), including representing their interests at the ECHR. Since the adoption of "foreign agents" laws in Russia, he has represented many nonprofit human rights organizations in court, in cases challenging their inclusion in the "foreign agents" register and in cases of bringing them to administrative responsibility for violating "foreign agents" legislation. Over the past six years, as an independent expert, he has prepared more than forty independent anti-corruption expert opinions in the field of migration, administrative, environmental, criminal, criminal procedural legislation, and legislation on nonprofit organizations. His Ph.D. research, "The phenomenon of social anomie in a contemporary society," examines the role of NGOs and other forms of civic activism in creating social connections that are resistant to the challenges of modernity. Using the example of Russian society in a state of social entropy and bifurcation, he has shown that one of the main ways to overcome such a state can be social consolidation on the basis of the spontaneous civic activity of individuals. |
 | Ivan Kurilla is currently the Mary L. Cornille Distinguished Visiting Professor in the Humanities at Wellesley College. He previously taught at the European University in St. Petersburg and Volgograd State University. He also conducted research at Dartmouth College (as a Fulbright Scholar) and George Washington University. His main fields of interest include the history of Russia-U.S. relations and the use of the past for political purposes in Russia and the United States. |
 | Yury Nadtochey has worked as an associate professor at the Department of World Politics at MGIMO University for many years. He taught a number of courses on the theory and history of international relations, as well as on world politics and EU politics to both bachelor's and master's students. Nadtochey holds a diploma in area studies (European Studies) from the School of International Relations of the Moscow University for the Humanities (2004). In 2005 he was an intern, and then a fellow of the PIR Center. He also took part in PIR Center International Summer School on Nonproliferation of WMD for experts from Russia and CIS countries. As part of his Ph.D. thesis, he completed an internship at the Luxembourg Institute for European and International Studies (2006). He received his Ph.D. in contemporary history from Moscow University for the Humanities (2008). His paper focused on the origin of unilateralism in the U.S. Euro-Atlantic policy after the Cold War. His area of expertise includes the security policy of NATO and EU members, transatlantic relations, security institutions in Europe, confidence-building measures, disarmament, and arms control. He has authored roughly 50 publications in a number of leading academic journals and is a regular contributor to the European Security Bulletin, published by INION Russian Academy of Sciences. |
 | Özgür Özkan is a research fellow with the Middle East Initiative at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at the Harvard Kennedy school and a visiting scholar at The Fletcher School. He holds a Ph.D. in International Studies from the University of Washington, Seattle and an M.A. in Regional Security Studies (Russia-Eurasia) from the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California. Before pursuing an academic career, he served as an officer in the Turkish army and NATO. Özgür’s research lies at the nexus of international security and comparative politics with a regional specialization in Turkey and the Middle East. Özgür is working on a book project based on his dissertation exploring officer recruitment and promotion patterns and their interaction in international and intrastate conflicts in Turkey since the late Ottoman period. Özgür published a book chapter and has several articles in the process of publication on the causes and consequences of the military’s representativeness and effectiveness. His policy-relevant research has appeared in Foreign Policy magazine and The Conversation. |
 | Oleg Shakirov is a researcher focusing on international cyber policy and arms control issues, as well as on Russia’s foreign policy and modern diplomacy. He is a Consultant at PIR Center and a member of the Younger Generation Leaders Network on Euro-Atlantic Security. Previously he held research positions at the Moscow-based policy think tanks Center for Strategic Research and Center for Advanced Governance, and worked at the Russian Diplomatic Academy. He presented on cyber security at various venues including at the 2018 UNIDIR Cyber Stability Conference, the Hague Program on Cyber Norms annual conferences, the Kaspersky Industrial Cybersecurity Conference 2021, and Hack the Capitol 4.0. He holds a master’s degree from the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (2015) and a specialist degree from the South Ural State University (2010). |
 | Stanislav Stanskikh is Russia’s constitutional scholar in exile, human rights and anti-war activist, and legal expert on post-Soviet country conditions for U.S. immigration cases. After graduating from Lomonosov Moscow State University School of Law, he worked at the Government Relations Department of TNK-BP (Fortune 500) and served as the Executive Director of the Russian Foundation for Constitutional Reforms and founding Deputy Editor-In-Chief of the Russian Constitutional Court’s academic law review, among other positions. He was involved in civic protests and the anti-corruption movement in Russia, being an outspoken critic of Russia’s personalistic regime, the annexation of Crimea, and aggression in Ukraine. The escalation of repressions against intellectuals, human rights activists, and political opposition led to Stanislav’s political emigration from Russia to the U.S. He has been playing an active role in Russia’s democratic diaspora providing expertise to the Free Russia Foundation, the Free Russia Forum, and other diaspora organizations. In 2020, he initiated a popular petition campaign against amendments to Russia's constitution. Currently, Stanislav is a Research Fellow at UNC-Chapel Hill and a member of the Post-Communist Politics and Economics Workshop at Harvard’s Davis Center. As a legal expert on country conditions, he closely collaborates with the Law Offices of Palant&Lust. |
 | Yury Terekhov, a political consultant and researcher, holds a Master’s degree in International Relations from Jagiellonian University, Cracow (2015). With 13 years of experience in political and media management across Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania, and the United States, Yury has contributed to various fields. Serving as the editor (2014-2017) of the now-banned Rufabula webzine, contributing to WotTak TV, and consulting NITKA media, he played a pivotal role in development of independent Russian-language media. In 2016-2017, as a research fellow at the National Coalition Supporting Eurasian Jewry in Washington, D.C., Yury monitored legislative changes impacting Jewish communities in Eastern Europe. His leadership in sanctions advocacy against human rights violators and warmongers is evident through the project Putin’s List (2019-2022), alongside spearheading the Talent Pool for Free Russia, a capacity-building initiative for Russian political activists. Yury also played a leading role in popularizing the white-blue-white protest flag of the Russian opposition in 2022. His commitment to knowledge and positive social change is underscored by completing a Galina Starovoytova fellowship at the Kennan Institute (2023), where he focused on the experiences of Russian anti-war grassroots movements. |
 | Andrey Todorov is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Harvard Kennedy School’s Arctic Initiative, as well as Senior Researcher at the Primakov Institute of World Economy and International Relations at the Russian Academy of Sciences. He holds a Ph.D. in Law from the Moscow State Linguistic University, with research interests in the Arctic Ocean governance and the international Law of the Sea. He worked in the Legal Department of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where he focused mainly on various issues of the Oceans Law. Following that, as a researcher, he supplemented this experience with more in-depth scholarly study of the Law of the Sea, mostly from a regional Arctic perspective, with a focus on the protection of Arctic marine biodiversity from human activities, regulation of Arctic shipping, and managing legal disputes in the Arctic. His research at The Fletcher School was related to the legal status of, and the regime of navigation in, the waters of the Northern Sea Route. |